Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Lawrence: Trump's ‘Deadly Nonsense’ On Re-Opening The Country | The Last Word | MSNBC

Cuomo: No expert supported Trump's Easter timeline

Coronavirus: What this crisis reveals about US - and its president

Trump, in common with all populists and demagogues, favours simple solutions to complex problems. He closed America's border to those who had travelled to China, a sensible move in hindsight. However, the coronavirus outbreak has required the kind of multi-pronged approach and long-term thinking that seems beyond him. This has always been a presidency of the here and now. It is not well equipped to deal with a public health and economic emergency that will dominate the rest of his presidency, whether he only gets to spend the next 10 months in the White House or another five years. 

As the Reverend Josh King told the Washington Post despairingly: "In your more politically conservative regions, closing is not interpreted as caring for you. It's interpreted as liberalism." Even on 13 March, when the CDC projected that up to 214 millions could be infected, Sean Davis, the co-founder of the right-wing website, The Federalist, tweeted: "Corporate political media hate you, they hate the country, and they will stop at nothing to reclaim power to rule over you. If that means destroying the economy via a panic they helped incite, all while running interference for the communist country that started it, so be it."

Dr. Anthony Fauci slams media for attempting to create a 'rift' between him and Trump: 'I wish that would stop'

He continued, "The president has listened to what I've said and to the other people who are on the task force have said. When I've made recommendations, he has taken them. He has never countered, overwritten me. The idea of just pitting one against the other is not helpful. I wish that would stop and that we'd look ahead at the challenge we have to get over this thing."
Many members of the media have highlighted the differences between Fauci and Trump over the anti-malaria drug the president continues to express excitement for as a potential treatment for coronavirus while the prominent task force member expressed caution as it has not gone through a clinical trial.
Others in the media have also sounded the alarm of Fauci's absences from recent White House briefings, suggesting it's a signal of a falling out between the doctor and the president.

Rebuffed: Watch Trump’s Own Medical Expert Fact-Check Him At WH Coronavirus Briefing | MSNBC

See what Fauci thinks about Trump's plan to re-open country

Critics warn rabbinate’s call for day of public prayer puts thousands at risk

 But with the publication of new epidemiological data on Tuesday showing that a significant number of Israelis with COVID-19 contracted the coronavirus at a synagogue, some critics are questioning this kind of rabbinate activity, and also asking whether the government’s containment efforts, especially in ultra-Orthodox communities, have been sufficiently rigorous. 

Research published Tuesday by Corona National Information and Knowledge Center, a government body of researchers that serves as an advisory group to the Health Ministry and the Home Front Command, found that 46.9 percent of Israelis had contracted the coronavirus abroad, 4.4% at home and 13.1% at an unknown location. Out of the remaining 35.6% of cases in which the source of the infection is known, nearly a quarter contracted it at a synagogue, making prayer one of the leading vectors for the spread of the disease.

8 Hadassah hospital workers infected with coronavirus

Hadassah Medical Center announced Tuesday that eight employees had tested positive for the coronavirus. These are staff members who did not know they were ill and are considers asymptomatic.
Six of the staffers work at the Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital where there are no coronavirus patients. All employees who tested positive were placed in immediate isolation. Any people found to have been in contact with them will also be required to self-isolate.

Government approves stricter coronavirus directives

 The government overnight Tuesday approved new restrictions on Israeli citizens, as part of the fight against the spread of COVID-19, in a telephone meeting that began at about 9:00 p.m. and lasted about six hours.
The new regulations will take effect on Wednesday evening and will be published in full during the day after the required revisions are completed by professionals.
As part of the new guidelines, a short-term exit from one’s home will be permitted up to a distance of up to 100 meters from the house. Food delivery services that have been allowed so far will be permitted to continue operating and so will essential home maintenance services.

Rabbis approve use of Zoom to celebrate Passover Seder due to coronavirus

 The ruling allows for online conference call program "ZOOM" to be used to conduct the Seder dinner as an exception to allow families to still spend time with one another. The seder is usually a big gathering around a single table. The ruling was made by several Orthodox Sephardi rabbis in Israel, in light of the coronavirus situation. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Poll: Majority of Americans now approve of Trump’s coronavirus management

A majority of Americans now approve of President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey, as the administration has issued stricter federal guidelines in recent days and the president has adopted a more public-facing role in combating the disease.
An ABC News/Ipsos poll released Friday reports that 55 percent of respondents approve of Trump’s management of the public health crisis, while 43 percent disapprove. The latest figures represent a boost in the president’s rating from the previous iteration of the survey, published one week ago, which showed only 43 percent approval for Trump and 54 percent disapproval.

Ingraham: Starve the virus, not the economy

Republican Lt. Gov. suggests elderly should sacrifice themselves to save the economy

Johns Hopkins corona virus world map

 Coronavirus Resource Center
Johns Hopkins experts in global public health, infectious disease, and emergency preparedness have been at the forefront of the international response to COVID-19.
This website is a resource to help advance the understanding of the virus, inform the public, and brief policymakers in order to guide a response, improve care, and save lives.