Monday, September 28, 2020

Tax bombshell reveals Trump's image is a sham

 It was the moment when Donald Trump's "Art of the Deal" fabulism, billionaire tycoon bluster and populist standard-bearing for forgotten Americans was revealed to be what it always looked like: a sham.

A stunning New York Times exposé of the President's tax returns Sunday revealed a pitifully inept businessman and a serial tax avoider crushed by massive debts that could expose him to conflicts of interest given his position as President and power to help undisclosed lenders.


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Making Abusing Black Jews Great Again



9 Tishrei, 5781 °°  Sept. 27, '20 (Erev Yom Kippur, Parshas VeZos HaBracha)

By Binyomin Feinberg

Rivka bas Soroh, an orphaned Ethiopian Jewish woman, approximately 24, is reportedly being medically abused by the Israeli Army, military prison, and Military Justice System, in the wake of her refusal to enlist in the Israeli Army.  We just received confirmation of key details regarding the medical abuse of this young Ethiopian Jewish woman, recently arrested over her refusal to enlist in the Israeli military. Although we await more details, we have confirmed the following.

Rivka bas Soroh was initially drafted into the Israeli Army several years ago, and ultimately fled, apparently serving time in Military Prison at the time. After her release, in line with the position of Jewish Law, she refused to enlist, as she had been ordered.

About a month ago, in an apparent attempt to resolve her issues with the Draft Offices, she was arrested and incarcerated in Israeli military prison four. Our most recent information is that prison authorities have been intent on holding her throughout some of the holiest days the year, until after Sukkos.

She suffers from a medical condition, and has a very low body weight, reportedly about 70 pounds (although precise details unconfirmed).  Nevertheless, about two weeks ago, the Army staged a "health hearing" determining that she's fit to be drafted. Reportedly the Army arrived at that conclusion without the luxury of a physical exam, but based on questioning her. This medical abuse will G-d willing be challenged by a private attorney recently hired.

General Background:

The Israeli Army forces its female citizens to serve in the military. It's been doing so in flagrant violation of Torah law, for about 70 years. All leading Rabbis from across the spectrum prohibit girls and women from enlistment in the military. Leading Rabbis have even deemed refusal to enlist as Yaihoraig v'Al Ya'avor, a prohibition we're obligated to sacrifice our lives to avoid.  Additionally, the Israeli Army is also known for exploitive and abusive treatment of women and girls, for decades.

G-d willing, we hope to post updated information as it becomes available. Please check the update link for the latest posts. (Ellul 5780 link) 

By Binyomin Feinberg

"... And if someone, like Pinchos, is one among a multitude, and every man is against him when he dares to speak out for truth and to fight for the Law --  the more lonely his stand, the greater the number of his adversaries, the more powerful is his word, the mightier his deed."

--  Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch OB"M (1808-1888), (writing on Pinchos, and those who follow his lead, in "Judaism Eternal," vol. 2, p. 293)

Friday, September 25, 2020

As a new outbreak grows in Brooklyn, mask-wearing appears to remain scarce

David Greenfield, a former city councilman who represented Borough Park and is now CEO of the Met Council, a large social service agency that serves many Orthodox Jews, said many were skeptical of the seriousness of the pandemic and the efficacy of masks because that was the message they heard on the news.

“Their main source of news tends to be right-wing news sources,” Greenfield said, noting the popularity of talk radio and conservative news sites in the community. “The right-wing media downplays the effectiveness of masks.”

The Atlantic: How Trump Could Throw The Election Into Chaos & Subvert The Result | Katy Tur | MSNBC

FBI issues announcement CONTRADICTING Trump's claim that a winner MUST be declared on election night

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Fox News Decision Desk Controls the Fate of American Democracy

 The question, then is: How much damage could an all but openly partisan Supreme Court, particularly in tandem with partisan supreme courts at the state level and partisan appeals judges, do? It’s impossible to give a single definitive answer, because that would require knowing exactly what is in Trump’s brain when he makes these comments. And no one, including Trump himself, ever knows exactly what he means by anything. But we can look at his remarks in the context of what his campaign has done, then put that in the context of what we know about what might be happening on the ground in November.



Donald Trump's election threat is actually worse than it appears

Here's his full quote (bolding is mine):
"Well, we're going to have to see what happens. You know that. I've been complaining very strongly about the ballots. And the ballots are a disaster. ... We want to have -- get rid of the ballots and you'll have a very trans- -- we'll have a very peaceful -- there won't be a transfer, frankly; there'll be a continuation. The ballots are out of control. You know it."




Here's What GOP Senators Said About the 2016 Supreme Court Vacancy—And What They're Saying Now- (Why no one trusts their promises)

For the GOP, it’s a sharp departure from the precedent they set in 2016. Conservative Justice Antonin Scalia died in February of that year, nearly nine months before that year’s election. With President Barack Obama set to nominate a replacement who would pull the court to the left, Senate Republicans said that the seat should not be filled in an election year, and refused to hold hearings to consider Obama’s eventual nominee, Judge Merrick Garland. McConnell argued that not since 1888 had the Senate confirmed a Supreme Court nominee by an opposing party’s President to fill a vacancy that arose in an election year.



GOP downplays Trump's refusal to commit to peaceful transition of power: 'The President says crazy stuff'

 President Donald Trump's stunning refusal to commit to a peaceful transition of power was mostly dismissed by Republicans on Capitol Hill, with many downplaying the remarks as merely rhetoric and others deflecting questions about a comment that Democrats fear could threaten a fundamental principle of American democracy.

"The President says crazy stuff. We've always had a peaceful transition of power. It's not going to change," said Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska, who has been an occasional critic of the President.
While Republicans insisted there would be a peaceful transition, many did not go so far as to explicitly criticize his remarks after Trump on Wednesday would not commit to providing a peaceful transition of power after Election Day, lending further fuel to concerns he may not relinquish his office should he lose in November.




Trump Declines To Commit To A Peaceful Transfer Of Power | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Trump Refuses To Commit To Peaceful Transfer Of Power | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Yeshivas are asking teachers not to test for COVID-19, even as cases rise

 Some Haredi yeshiva day schools in Brooklyn are asking teachers not to get tested for COVID-19, and also not sharing information about students who test positive, to try to avoid school closures, said three sources with direct knowledge of specific schools said in interviews.

The news comes amid an uptick in COVID-19 cases in six Queens and Brooklyn neighborhoods which include the “Ocean Parkway Cluster” of Borough Park, Midwood and Bensonhurst — named after the avenue that links them, according to a Department of Health statement issued Tuesday.

Did Trump Say Protesters Threw Cans of Soup at Police?

 Given that Trump did make the statements about protesters using cans of soup as weapons against law enforcement and there is footage confirming he made the statement, we rate this claim as a “Correct Attribution.”