Thursday, September 3, 2020

George Floyd’s Toxicology Report Causes Toxic Stigma and Prejudice

 Some of the comments already online include: “Fentanyl and meth in his system, while trying to by [sic] cigs with counter fit [sic] money sounds like he was just another good boy.” And, “George Floyd died as a direct result of the drugs he ingested.”

These comments are taken directly from the playbook that blames the victim, laying total responsibility for any abuse suffered on whatever flaws the victim may possess. The motivation behind such comments is domination, born out of a fear of being too weak to be comfortable dealing with others on equal footing.

But the simple bottom line is that it does not matter that George Floyd had drugs in his system. The only reason he could not breathe that night was because the breath was squeezed out of him by men in uniform who had more than enough time and training to know the reality of what they were doing. That is murder.


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