Thursday, June 11, 2020

The remarkable collapse of Donald Trump's polling numbers

 One of the defining traits of President Donald Trump's time in office has been the consistency of his poll numbers.
No matter what he said, did or tweeted, his numbers stayed steady. Somewhere between 40-45% approved of the job he was doing while 50-55% disapproved.
Which is why what Gallup reported in its latest tracking poll, released on Wednesday morning, is so striking.
Trump's job approval in the new Gallup data is at 39%, which is bad but not the big story. That big story is the fact that Trump's new numbers represent a double-digit tumble from a Gallup poll just two weeks ago in which his approval stood at 49%.
That's a stunning dip. And it's across the board. He's down 7 points in approval among Republicans and independents and 9 points among Democrats. And it all seems tied to the way in which Trump reacted to the death of George Floyd while in police custody and the protests that have broken out nationwide in its aftermath.

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