Friday, June 12, 2020

Leslie Marshall: Trump sinking in polls – voters tired of his failures and angry tweets

Millions of Americans are fed up with divider-in-chief Donald Trump and the awful job he’s done dealing with the coronavirus pandemic that has killed over 113,000 Americans and protests sparked by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police – among his many failures.
As a result, President Trump’s poll ratings are sinking and the prospects are increasing that former Vice President Joe Biden will send Trump into political retirement in the November election.
Trump has appealed only to his base and sought to fan the flames of division and conflict between Americans. This is one more sign of the incompetent leadership of our reality TV president and it is also an unwise political move.



  1. Trump's strength has turned into his weakness.
    Hillary, let's not forget, was also a divisive figure. She had many of the same faults as Trump except that she acted in a more civilized fashion and carried a "If you criticize me, you're a misogynist!" attitude. But otherwise, female Trump. So Trump played the divisive card, she played the divisive card, and he played it better.
    Biden, on the other hand, seems to have a picked a different strategy. He's going to be the doddering, harmless grandfather figure, the guy who shows up at all the important family simchas and doesn't offend anyone. In fact, he often brings candies for the children. Trump will rail and scream, Biden will mumble into his oatmeal about making America happy again. And it just might work!

  2. What stereotypes? With your training, you should also easily be able to see that Biden is in the early stages of Alzheimer's. Unless your TDS has dulled your clinical skills.

  3. with your training what about Trump the stable genius?. but since he is the Chosen One his lies are deep gems of wisdom!


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