Thursday, February 11, 2010

Internet bringing about social change


We witness today, at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, one of the most astonishing phenomena of the digital era: the consolidation of the social network, and even more, the empowerment of the worldwide youth thanks to these tools.

All of us certainly have a profile on Facebook or Twitter, and for sure we have seen dozens of videos on YouTube. Some of you only see on these tools the possibility to be connected with your relatives and your closest friends, exchange pictures and publish information about your activities.

But this is only the surface, the tip of the iceberg. What many people ignore is what is emerging underneath. These social media networks, whether we like it or not, are reshaping the way people communicate. [...]


  1. Facebook and Twitter are the digital age white pages. Everyone is listed, but in the end, so what?

    Cell phones and texting- that's changed everything.

  2. "Social Change" from the Web is a joke. Who cares about Xace book etc. Twitter is a media darling that is going fade fast.

    The big change is that the media has broken the big powers' hammerlock on the press. Our new free press is here to stay.

  3. Shqueez posted:

    That article is a bit behind the times. These days, many older people, paticularly retirees, are using social networking as well. The blogs especially are full of people who have found a new, inexpensive means of expression and social change.

    I think we see that on this site, too. Older talmidim of tropper, some people from Monsey who obviously have been around a while, and others who are fed up are posting.

    An important development is that Rabonnim like Rabbi Ribiat and Rav Dunner are beginning to realize that there is a culture out in the ether that will go its own way if ignored. And the most important development in my mind is the transparency this culture is starting to enforce.

  4. It is the Internet that is the catalyst for the social change we're seeing in our community in the way we handle child sex abuse.

    David Framowitz posted his story about Yudi Kolko in September 2005 on the UOJ blog. I read that story in December, and commented in January 2006, saying I was trying to establish a legal regimen for preventing child sex abuse in our schools. Various events then occurred, and the NY Magazine article about Kolko was published in May 2006. Much progress has been achieved since those dates, but clearly, this chapter is far from over.

  5. also bad for mental health


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