Tuesday, July 31, 2018

North Korea 'working on new missiles', US officials say

washington post
Trump’s self-proclaimed diplomatic coups keep unraveling
Whether you think President Trump is a success on the world stage or not, he's not nearly the success he's made himself out to be in recent weeks.
At several points, Trump has made claims about his foreign policy dealings that wound up being vastly overstated — if not completely...

What do the latest reports say?
On Monday, the Washington Post newspaper quoted officials as saying North Korea appeared to be building one or two new liquid-fuelled intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) at the Sanumdong facility near the capital, Pyongyang.

The factory is known to have produced the Hwasong-15, the first North Korean ICBM capable of reaching the US.

However, a US official told news agency Reuters that a liquid-fuelled ICBM didn't "pose nearly the threat that a solid-fuelled one would because they take so long to fuel".

Reuters also added that satellite imaging showed vehicles moving in and out of the facility, but not the extent of any missile construction.

What are experts saying about this?
These are not the first reports that North Korea may be continuing its weapons programme, casting doubt on the real impact of the summit in Singapore.

Satellite imagery of the Sanumdong facility shows that the site is "active", Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS) told the Washington Post.


  1. Maybe. But I don't think so. I'd say he gave them every chance to save themselves before he literally wipes them off the map.

  2. But I don't understand. Didn't Trump say that there is no longer any threat from North Korea? And he also said not to believe anything we see or hear ourselves, only what we hear from him. So all of these so-called "experts" must be lying. Fake news!

  3. Your confusion is understandable. It stems from using logic and reason to analyze statements of political leaders in democracies.

    In democracies, the way to win elections is not by making sense. It's by getting multiple constituencies that are fluid and dynamic and in constant flux to each think that the candidate is addressing their issue.

    It's a skill to wade through the swamp of information and make any progress at all. I literally went to school in the environs of the swamp -- which is what much of DC was before it became the national capital -- and have lived most of my life on the outskirts of the city. So I kind of absorbed the rythmn and flow of the news through constant exposure to it through the newspapers, TV and radio.

    It never held much attraction for me, and still doesn't. I'm an activist more out of self preservation than out of love of this work. Although I enjoy participating on this blog, because here the search for truth is married to real world events. A refreshing pleasure!

  4. in other words you also don't think trump sever tells the truth but you think he must lie to be a successful president

  5. It's worse than that.

    I hold that his lies are essential to preserving truth.


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