Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rabbis condemn growing trend of 'Jewish "Taliban women'


Newly-religious women walking around covered head-to-toe in black clothes are growing in numbers. Even six-year-old girls are made to hide their faces. Haredi rabbis finally condemn growing trend


  1. So here's the question: within the Chareidi world there is a seemingly unstoppable trend towards "more is better".
    If some separation between men and women is good, more is better. Let's have separate buses! Cars! Lives!
    If some kashrus is good, more is better. Let's make getting a hechsher even more challenging. Heck, let's add them to clothing stores!
    Is some tznius is good, more is better. Covering one's body all the way down to the toes and fingers is good. Why not add a burka?
    At what point does it end?

  2. So here's the question: within the Chareidi world there is a seemingly unstoppable trend towards "more is better".
    If some separation between men and women is good, more is better. Let's have separate buses! Cars! Lives!
    If some kashrus is good, more is better. Let's make getting a hechsher even more challenging. Heck, let's add them to clothing stores!
    Is some tznius is good, more is better. Covering one's body all the way down to the toes and fingers is good. Why not add a burka?
    At what point does it end?


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