Thursday, August 21, 2008

Modesty squad targeted by Jerusalem police

V.I.N reported:

Jerusalem - The campaign to liquidate the “mishmeres hatznius” is broadening. Binyomin Meyerovitch was arrested today under suspicion as one of the heads of the organization. Shmuel Veisfish was arrested at the beginning of the week. Jerusalem police spokesman: “We are weighing whether to extend Meyerovitch’s incarceration.”

“We have resolved to wipe them out,” said an agent in the Detectives Division of the Jerusalem District Police to “B’chadrei Chareidim” in reference to the mishmeres hatznius. The assurance, it seems, has come to fruition.

Today (Wednesday), Chareidi Jerusalem resident Binyomin Meyerovitch was arrested under suspicion of being one of the heads of the organization and responsible for many actions made in the group’s name. Earlier in the week police arrested Shmuel Veisfish, allegedly an organization activist.

The arrest warrant against the two came after the arrest of Elchanan Buzaglo, suspected of acts of violence carried out at the behest of the mishmeres hatznius. Meyerovitch had been staying out of the country in recent weeks, returning to Israel today only to be immediately arrested.

As mentioned, after Buzaglo’s arrest, the news broke on israeli web site B’Chadrei Chareidim that the police opened a dragnet for mishmeres hatznius activists and had issued arrest warrants for a number of suspects.

In her decision to extend the incarceration of Buzaglo, judge Shulamit Dotan wrote: “The crimes being investigated by the police in this episode are apparently organized by not a small number of involved parties,” an expression which points to the extensive evidence gathered in the course of the investigation into the matter.


  1. " 'We have resolved to wipe them out,' said an agent in the Detectives Division of the Jerusalem District Police to 'B’chadrei Chareidim' in reference to the mishmeres hatznius. The assurance, it seems, has come to fruition."

    Mazel Tov! It's about time and very overdue. Yiddishskeit does not need to rely on vigilantes to ensure it's survival -- anywhere, at any time for whatever reason!

    Any so-called members of a "mishmeres hatznius" should be arrested, taken to court and sent to jail for endangering the public with their hooliganism, not to mention the constant chillul Hashem they create.

    All rabbonim should support the banishment of Charedi and other hooligans who pose as "holier than thou" "tznius" cops who act like Mafia enforcers and hit men.

    Deracheha darchei no'am vechol nesivoseha shalom!

  2. We would be interested to know Harav Sternbuch shlit"a's position on the latest police effort.

    Can you ask him for a comment?

  3. "Modesty Patrol"

    I am interested in hearing from readers about the use of the term "modesty patrol" by the media, bloggers and the Haredi community - from a halachic, moral and ethical point of view.

    Joel Katz
    Religion and State in Israel

  4. My father always says: God doesn't appoint any policeman nowadays so those who say they are took the job for themselves.

    I like the irony though: it's a female judge going after them!

  5. do you realise this army is shooting orthodox boys???

  6. do you realise this army is shooting orthodox boys???

  7. To Joel Katz who asks: "I am interested in hearing from readers about the use of the term 'modesty patrol' by the media, bloggers and the Haredi community - from a halachic, moral and ethical point of view."

    There is no need to go so deep because the term "modesty patrol" is obviously a misnomer and euphemism for the more correct words that should be "goon patrol" or "hooligans" or "Charedi gangs" or "Orthodox hoodlums" or "Ultra-Orthodox vigilantes" -- take your pick -- as they are all terms that speak for themselves, and fancier kinder terminology is not required since calling a spade a spade without making excuses is more beneficial for recognizing, dealing with, and eradicating this social cancer from the midst of Torah Jewry.

    These disgusting people remind one of the Gemoras that describe the fanatical and ultra-religious baryonim and self-appointed kanoim at the time of the churban of Yerushalayim 2000 years ago in Roman times who in the end killed thousands of fellow-Jews to enforce their notions of ultra-frum Yiddishskeit in order, they "reasoned" to "save the Jews from themselves" going against the leadership and methodology sanctioned by the more rational and peaceful Mishnaic sages who lived in those days.

    And to lars shalom who asks enigmatically and misleadingly: "do you realise this army is shooting orthodox boys???" I say HUH? What "army" is "shooting" which "orthodox" "boys"???

    Who said anything about an "army"? What "shooting"? Usually it's the Haredim who throw rocks in any case. What flavor of "orthodox" do you mean since only Haredi hooligans think they should run vigilante groups to hunt down and abuse scantily dressed women in a democracy, and which "boys" are involved here, the only "boys" suffering nowasys (that one reads about in the Jewish) are the ones that are getting molested by their principals and teachers who are sadly and tragically often-times very "orthodox" in religion but "un-orthodox" in their sexual predelictions as they act as predators upon the boys they should be mechanchim and not sexually abusing.

    (Here's a good pun: "PrEying upon them instead of prAying with them!") P

    So please explain yourself rather than making open-ended statements that are wrong in any case. Thanks.

  8. The Charedi seem to have strayed very far from Judaism. They have become common fundamentalists, deaf dumb and blind, shut off from reason and from goodness.
    Modesty Squads? TREIF.


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