Monday, August 24, 2020

Rush Limbaugh: Biden’s ‘Flawless’ DNC Speech ‘Had to Be Taped’

 On Thursday night, a series of Fox News hosts and commentators readily acknowledged that Joe Biden “blew a hole” in President Donald Trump’s depiction of him as a demented old man by delivering a highly effective speech at the Democratic National Convention. Even Laura Ingraham had to admit that Biden “beat expectations.” 

Rush Limbaugh has a different theory. 

The conservative radio host who not so long ago received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Trump during a State of the Union address, spent his show Friday pushing the notion that Biden did not, in fact, deliver his speech live.





  1. I know that you will immediately reject his theory but it is eminently possible. There was too much riding on that speech for anything to go wrong. Any stumble, any "um" would be ammunition for Trump to shout about how "sleeping Joe is losing it!" So might it have been taped and then edited to look live? Sure. Would the Dem's go along with it? Aboslutely.

  2. It is possible you don't exist. we don't make claims based entirely on saying it is possible


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.