Thursday, April 15, 2021

Republicans Want to Cancel Dr. Fauci and Major League Baseball: A Closer Look


  1. Kind of blaming the victim, aren't you?
    Democrats are trying to cancel the 75 million voters who picked Trump. What did Georgia do? Passed a law saying you have to have proper ID to vote. To sensible people, that just makes sense. To the Democrats, it's a racist outrage! Cancel the MLB all-star game. Move the big golf tournament. How dare Georgia make it harder to bring in busloads of undocumented immigrants to vote in tight districts? ID requirements favour the Republicans, so they're racist.

  2. abuse in Southern Israel

  3. Torah thought daf hayomi Yoma 6a
    “THE HIGH PRIEST WAS REMOVED. Why was he removed?[You ask] why was he removed! [The first question was misunderstood. The answer implies that the source of the commandment to remove the priest was being sought.] [Is it not] as you have said, either according to the derivation of R. Johanan, or to that of Resh Lakish? No, this is [What was really intended was the practical motive of the enactment] the question: Why was he separated from his house? It was taught: R. Judah b. Bathyra said: Let his wife be found under doubt of being a menstruant and he have congress with her [Tosef. Yoma]. Do we speak of wicked people [No good Jew (v. Sheb. 18b; Shulhan Aruk, Yoreh Deah 184, 2) would approach his wife unless her ritual purity were beyond doubt, how much less a high priest. Hence such contingency is unthinkable. Dealing with high priests, are we dealing with wicked men?]? Rather, perhaps he will have congress with his wife and she will then be found to be doubtfully a menstruant [Bloodstains may be found on the bed after congress and the doubt would arise, whether the discharge occurred before or after congress. Such a doubt would render her husband impure for seven days and ritually unfit to enter the sanctuary]. [The Rabbis] were discussing the decision before R. Hisda: According to whom was it made?-Obviously according to R. Akiba, who said: A menstruant makes him who had congress with her impure [retrospectively] [For twenty-four hours, so that should the stain be found after congress, the husband would be considered unclean for seven days, v. Nid. 14a.]. For, according to the Rabbis, behold they say: A menstruant does not render impure him who had congress with her [retrospectively].”

    Beautiful. The high priests must seclude himself from his wife for 7 days before the Day of Atonement. Wow. Why? Without seclusion from his wife, he may have sex with her and become impure for all kinds of reasons. Yes God made man to have a huge sexual attraction to his wife, thank you, God. “And to the woman He said: I will most severe your pangs in childbearing; in pain you shall bear children. Yet your urge shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.” (Genesis 3:16). Hertz Chumash p. 12: “thy desire. In spite of the pangs of travail, the longing for motherhood remains the most powerful instinct in woman.” Absolutely (as WSJ commentators like to say) 7 days before Yom Kippur the high priests must seclude himself from his wife. Either he or she may start intimacy with she being a doubtful nida.


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