Wednesday, January 1, 2014

המשטרה: להעמיד לדין את אב בית הדין בירושלים


יחידת להב 433 של המשטרה סיימה את חקירתה בפרשת הרב חיים יהודה רבינוביץ', אב בית הדין הרבני ירושלים.
בין היתר, עסקה החקירה בחשד לפעילות מרמה וגניבה שיטתית מצד קרובת משפחתו עורכת דין לענייני משפחה בהקשר לאותם תיקים ולתיקים אחרים בהם טיפלה.
החקירה החלה בהמשך לבקשת פרקליט המדינה, ובאישור היועץ המשפטי לממשלה, בעקבות תלונה שהוגשה לנציבות התלונות נגד שופטים ולהנהלת בתי הדין הרבניים.
מהתלונה עלה חשד להתנהלות פסולה של הרב רבינוביץ ולביצוע עבירות הפרת אמונים ושימוש לרעה בכוח המשרה, בכול הקשור לניהול חלק מתיקי הגירושין שדן בהם.
ממהלך החקירה עלה כי החשוד דן בתיקי גירושין, שבמהלך הרגיל לא היו אמורים להידון בפניו, תוך שהוא מנצל את סמכויותיו להשפיע על ההליך ועל הצדדים בתיק ולקבל החלטות שלא על פי כללי הדין ושיש בהן ניגוד עניינים, מתוך כוונה לקדם את ענייניהם של קרובי משפחתו ובעיקר של עורכת הדין לענייני משפחה, אשר ייצגה את אחד הצדדים בתיקים אלה.


  1. I challenge rabbi Michael Tzaddok yet again for claiming the rabbanut is trustworthy and ehrlich.

    1. Stan,

      I have agreed with you from the very beginning that the local Batei Din of each city were a mess, which is why National Rabbanut so often overturns their rulings. However, until Israel makes the election of the local councils more like that of national Rabbinut, there isn't much that can be done.
      I have very little respect for the local religious councils, and have said that repeatedly on this blog. However, I challenge you to finally understand, perhaps by reading Piskei Din sometime, that local Rabbanut and National Rabbanut are two separate entities. With very different laws governing them.
      Though that should have been clear in that one case from Bnei Brak that you like to cite so much, if you would ever actually try to get all the facts and not simply rely upon what you can find from websites.

    2. and national rabbanut would be the one that was headed by chief rabbi Metzger who went to jail for corruption?

      My friend told me that she only had to resort to corruption once in her life in Israel, and this was in the context of the Rabbanut... Did not reflect well on the non-separation of religion and state... ... nor on the rabbanut...

  2. Stan - Rabbanut today is majority of hareidi rabbonim who are afforded nepotistic jobs through their political backers in Shas and Degel. As you correctly stated in the past, it doesnt matter what colour suit or hat somebody wears - if they go against Halacha, or Torah (remember Thou shalt not steal..) they are corrupt.

  3. coincidentally, here is his psak din on Mekach Taut ...

  4. The official government sponsored Rabbinut,must be eliminated immediately,a complete separation of religion and state must be instituted,the Israeli rabbinate has turned off more Jews from Judaism then all the missionaries combined..
    Besides the enormous chillul hashem this rabbinut has caused,it is very problematic that the minister of religious affairs who usually is a frum jew from one of the chareidi parties,he is also responsible for all the other religions,Christianity and Islam,which of course halachikli verry problematic it actually borders on avodah zarah

  5. @ browser
    The problem is not that the Rabbanut is government sponsored - the Government of Israel is only trying to fulfill the Torah commandment of Shoftim v'shotrim - by having a Legal system and a police system.
    The problem is the rise of the Hareid political parties, and their interference with the selection of dayanim and City rabbis, which is a highly corrupt and self serving enterprise. The problem is with Shas and Degel raising corrupt rabbis who they install, whether as Chief rabbi or dayanim. The problem is that they have a view that better a thief or pervert Chareidi rabbi in place, than an honest Tzioni. This is the perversion of Torah by Hareidi parties, whose involvement in politics, has led them astray from the clarity in Torah that they might have had otherwise. It is also a product of the corrupt hareidi ideology that goes agasint the talmudic statement that one who does not teach his son a trade, teaches him to steal. The arrogance of Hareidi system is that they think they are so "kadosh" that they are immune from this.
    A good example is their opposition to Tzohar, who have been trying to clean up the corruption in the Rabbanut. Because Tzohar would remove the ill gotten gains of corrupt rabbi-politicians , the Hareidim were so vociferously opposed to Rav Stav as a candidate for Chief rabbi.
    Shas is now run by an ex-con.
    Degel installed Metzger as Chief rabbi , even though they knew of various allegations against him for serious sexual and financial misconduct.
    So yes, the rabbanut needs to be cleaned up, but relying on the Hareidim to do it would be like relying on Al Capone to cleanup organised crime in America.

    1. couldn't agree with you more,very well put.
      But Israel must institute a strict separation of state and religion just like here in the U.S,because if not,eventually the chareidim will become the majority and will take over or control the government,and god have mercy on us if at that time there will not be a strict separation of religion and state,Israel would become another Saudi Arabia or an Iran or even worse

  6. This rabinovitz's father was among the 9 secret dayanim who approved goren's mamzerim.

    1. You mean the case in which the ger in question continued to go to Church, eat pork, and couldn't even recite the first line of the Shema, which is the most basic statement of Jewish faith?

      There were two halakhic reasons that so far are unassailable for why revocation was a problem:
      1) Only a single Dayyan signed the ruling(something btw that Rav Gestetner also does, so perhaps that isn't such an issue, or perhaps Rav Gestetner's rulings are equally invalid).
      2) It was not the original converting B"D.

      However compare this to Rav Sherman's ruling where in invalidated 15k conversions based on a single case. Yes the other dayyanim did sign, and yes they can be considered the original B"D becasue national Rabbanut has that level of authority in Israel over Israeli Batei Din. However, there we have the problem of another direct violation of the Shulchan Arukh which is not to judge one case based on another. Yet there the Rabbanim were silent(well the Ashkenazi one's were anyway).

      Perhaps people in glass houses should not throw stones.

    2. Obzerver - do you have a list of who the 9 dayanim were, and how can you prove it to be accurate?

    3. Rav Shachter gave an interview on the Sherman case. He knew Sherman from YU. He suggested that the "psak" of Dayan Sherman could not have been written by Sherman himself, because it contained so many errors, and he knew Sherman to be a capable Rav. He thus suggested it was written by someone else not qualified to be a Dayan, and that it seemed to be invalid. This was perhaps a polite and scholarly way of stating that the decision was deeply flawed and had no halachic value.

  7. Why is the latest kamentzky scandal not being discussed?? Of course there there's no proof however he has His fingerprints all over this psak to marry a kohen$$$$ to a giyores.......

    1. What do you want - it ia already on another blog


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