Thursday, April 29, 2021

Biden promises to lift 'left-behind and forgotten' Americans with his ambitious economic agenda

 President Joe Biden spoke directly to working- and middle-class Americans who "feel left behind and forgotten" in a rapidly changing economy in his first address to a joint session of Congress, promising that his ambitious economic and infrastructure plans amounted to a "blue-collar blueprint to build America."

Addressing many of the voters who abandoned the Democratic Party to support former President Donald Trump, Biden made the case that his economic plans are squarely aimed at improving their economic fortunes while strengthening America's position around the globe and positioning America to compete against other world powers like China.

1 comment :

  1. Ah the promise of socialist - it's failed everywhere it's been tried so let's try it again.
    The inevitable end - the rich (except for certain Democrat donors) will be fleeced but the poor won't actually see the money.


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