Wednesday, April 28, 2021

LGBTQ students sue Yeshiva University for discrimination

 A group of students and alumni is suing Yeshiva University for discrimination, claiming that the university violated New York City’s human rights law when it refused to recognize an LGBTQ student club.

The lawsuit was filed Tuesday in New York County Supreme Court.


  1. I believe that a religious institution in the USA should have the legal right to maintain its religious standards, as spelled out in the free-exercise clause of the First Amendment of the US Constitution, which states, “Congress shall make no law …prohibiting the free exercise thereof (of religion)”.

  2. They are going to cause us a lot of trouble.

  3. This is arrogance, pure and simple.
    If YU was coming into their homes and demanding they stop being gay, that's one thing. But them coming to YU and demanding it accommodate them? Presumptive arrogance. Seriously, you're not forced to go to YU. If you don't like that it doesn't have a gay club, DON'T GO THERE!
    Another example of how the Secular Liberalism religion has replaced Chrisianity as the dominant religion in the West and how it will attack us just like they did.

  4. If a Martian landed in America, and set out to determine the nation's official state religion, he would have to conclude it is Liberalism, while Christianity and Judaism are prohibited by law.

  5. Really! You need to pretend to be a Martian to understand the situation properly?!
    BTW there is no such thing as the official state religion in the US - maybe there is in Canada.

  6. YU, for an intents and purposes, is not an Orthodox or even a Jewish institution.

  7. be careful with your words - i know it is difficult

  8. If they want to be non-sectarian, they should remove the word "Yeshiva" from their name.

  9. My comment was made tongue-in-cheek.

  10. using the metaphor of a Martian is widely done, to demonstrate what an objective being would see of a messy situation.

  11. This is so wrong. A lot of good Torah is learned there. I understand there are issues and Touro is a better option but to say it is not ëven a Jewish institution is way off.

    These students that are doing this disgust me. Taking money from the Govt. will sadly be YU's demise as it leaves them open for this kind of frivolous garbage by the abominable ones.

  12. And only a martian can see a nonexistent state religion?!

  13. If he can't find a minyan

  14. Conservative schools also teach Torah.

  15. Please quote me where I said something about official state religion. I used the word "dominant" because until the rise of liberalism, even if America and Canada weren't officially Chrisian countries, that religion influenced the culture. Sunday as a day of rest, X-mas and Easter as national holidays, and so on.

  16. Satmar and neturei karta also have yeshivas.

  17. I plead guilty, and take the blame.
    I was the one who used the phrase, "official state religion", and DT was responding to me.

  18. Proud Conservative MomApril 30, 2021 at 2:16 AM

    Absolutely 💯percent!!

  19. YU, believe it or not, actually uses the word Yeshiva as part of its name despite standing for values opposite the Torah.

  20. Nk, visiting Tehran for holocaust denial fest. Your values?

  21. The Y and U are separate departments.
    The Gemara says that anyone who doesn't teach his son a trade, teaches him to steal.
    So the U part is fulfilling the Y part where gemara is taught.
    Satmar teach people to run businesses, which is a good thing. Is there a satmar business school?


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