Sunday, February 19, 2012

Rav Zilberstein - cautions & restrictions of psychotherapy involving male therapists & female clients

Translation posted here
פסק הלכה עליו חתם הגאון רבי יצחק זילברשטיין שליט"א, ואליו הצטרפו מרנן גדולי ישראל וחשובי הרבנים והדיינים שליט"א, קובע לראשונה, סייגים ברורים ומחייבים בכל הנוגע לטיפולים פסיכולוגיים, וכי "מוטלת חובה על המנהל להשגיח על הפרדה" בין מטפל ומטופל מהמין השני, "ואם אי אפשר צריך להיוועץ עם רב בית החולים מה לעשות בכל מקרה ומקרה".


  1. There are already regulations that psychologists, social workers and other therapist are not allowed to be involved with their patients. They can lose their license for that. So if people are not afraid to lose their license, they for sure do not care about what rabbi Zilberstein thinks.

    and why Rabbi Belsky is on this Pashkevil ?

  2. Chief Penguin said...

    There are already regulations that psychologists, social workers and other therapist are not allowed to be involved with their patients. They can lose their license for that. So if people are not afraid to lose their license, they for sure do not care about what rabbi Zilberstein thinks.

    and why Rabbi Belsky is on this Pashkevil ?
    good questions. Really have no understanding of why this was issued

  3. Recipients and PublicityFebruary 20, 2012 at 11:47 PM

    This should also be applied to almost all male kiruv workers and community rabbis who deal with "adoring" female students and congregants who come to seek "guidance" and "counseling" but land up seduced by the rabbi/s instead, and often it is the rabbis who are seduced by the students and congregants themselves. A big all-around problem that has never been resolved in the world of kiruv and the rabbonus.


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