Monday, January 12, 2009

Hamas - religious not national struggle

The conflict in Gaza has been triggered by Israel's belief that the status quo has become intolerable and should be overturned.

There are several reasons why Israel felt it could not live with the situation in Gaza. The most immediate is the rocket attacks by Hamas that have made life for nearly a tenth of Israelis an exercise in anxiety. Also a factor is that Hamas, since it staged its putsch two years ago, has closed Gaza to all Palestinian groups that have accepted a two-state solution. This makes it impossible for Israel and the administration of President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) in the West Bank to restart negotiations that could lead to the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel.

More importantly, perhaps, Hamas has forged an alliance with Iran based on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's strategy of “wiping Israel off the map”. Tehran's investment in Hamas is large enough to have given it a decisive say in shaping the group's strategy. Israelis see Hamas as one of the two arms of a pincer, along with Iranian-funded Hezbollah in Lebanon, that Tehran is building against them.

Thus, Israel's war aims are clear: end the rocket attacks, reopen Gaza to other Palestinian parties and eliminate the Iranian presence. This means creating a new status quo in which Hamas is not the dominant party in Gaza.

Some commentators have claimed that the cause of the current war is Israel's occupation. But Gaza - until last weekend - was the one bit of Arab territory nominally under Israeli occupation that was free of Israeli settlers and troops. Yet, most of Israel's troubles, in the form of rocket attacks and suicide operations, came from Gaza. At the other end of the spectrum, the Golan Heights, under Israeli occupation since 1967, have been as quiet as a churchyard despite the presence of large numbers of Israeli settlers and troops.

Hamas, as its charter and political literature make clear, does not want an end to Israeli occupation. It wants the end of Israel. That is because Hamas is part of a pan-Islamist movement with global messianic ambitions. Creating a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank is not its aim. A branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas dreams of world dominion for its version of Islam rather than a mini-state in 5,000 square kilometres of barren land in a geopolitical backyard.[...]


  1. "That is because Hamas is part of a pan-Islamist movement with global messianic ambitions. "

    EXACTLY. Hamas is NOT part of Orthodox Islam, it is a break off Mahdist (Messianic) death cult.

    While the concept of Mahdi (the Messiah) is part of the beliefs of all Muslims, the idea of a mahdi savior figure, has been most influential among non Orthodox Muslims who believe that the Mahdi is someone sent by Allah to wage jihad against the enemies of Islam.

    Thus, any Mahdist movement was designed for the specific purpose of revolution and reformation.

    Let's look back at the Islamic reformist movement which began in 1881 around the figure of Muhammad Ahmad, who proclaimed himself Al Mahdi al Muntazar ("the awaited guide in the right path,") and led a revolt against the Ottoman rulers in the Sudan. He was sent, he said, to prepare the way for the second coming of the Prophet Isa (Jesus) and the impending end of the world. (BTW, Jersey Girl blames Christian missionaries for Islamic extremism).

    According to Mahdists, in anticipation of Judgment Day, it was essential that the people return to a simple, rigorous, and puritanical Islam.

    Like so many extremist movements, Mahdists object that the Muslim leaders are no longer "real" Muslims, and hence no longer had any right to rule.

    This can be seen in how the Mahdi advocate eliminating various "un-Islamic" reforms, for example any freedoms accorded to women.

    (From Al-Garray's "Religious Extremism and Human Rights in the Experience of Sudan,"
    The Sudanese Human Rights Quarterly, Summer 1995.)

    Extremist groups are increasing in number and are becoming internationally diffused to the extent that their existence is today an ordinary event. The issue of extremism has virtually included all religions as there are Jewish groups, Muslim groups, etc.

    Extremism refers to the confiscation of human rights of which the right to life and the right to freedom are most fundamental. An extremist person sees himself as being exceptionally right and that everything other than his or her
    viewpoint is wrong. Such a strong belief drives a person to suppress the rights of other people.

    The issue of extremism is hence related to our understanding of religion itself. The essence of religion stands on forgiveness and humanity.

    In reality, the extremists use religion and Islamic Shari'a law to gather their own gains. On the contrary to extremists, religion is based on human dignity.

    Orthodox Islam states regarding the Messianic Era:

    Enmity and hatred between people will cease. Scorpions and snakes will not be poisonous, and even children will play with snakes without being bitten... Wolves will be among sheep like sheepdogs. THE WORLD WILL FILL WITH RELIGIOUS UNITY LIKE THE CUP FILLS WITH WATER. Nobody but God will be worshipped. NOTHING WILL BE LEFT OF WARFARE AND CONFLICT. (Sunan Ibn Majah)

    (Sounds pretty familiar, doesn't it?)

    It is clear that Messianic extremists who parade under a pseudo Islam are anything BUT fulfilling the Messianic prophesies of Islam.

    This is not much different than Jewish extremists who believe that the Messianic Era can be achieved by violating the Three Oaths and taking the Land of Israel by force. (BTW, Jersey Girl blames Christian missionaries for these as well).

  2. Any ex-Gush Katif resident could have told you the same, "this is a fight to the end between the god of the Jews and Allah", --it has never been a nationalistic rather a religious battle.

  3. Their fight is not for Allah. They are "End of the World" Messianic Armageddanists.

    That is that they believe that through their actions they can bring the Messiah.

    The whole concept entered the realm of Islam only after 1880, under the influence of the European colonialism of the Ottoman Empire.

    In other words their theology is influenced by Christianity.

    As in Judaism, there has never been a concept of "forcing" the Messiah in Islam.

    Only Christians have had the belief throughout history that they could hasten the Second Coming via the Crusades.

    I wish my father were able to tell it again as my father was one of the rare people who fully understood the history by which the influence of European colonialism has nearly destroyed both Judaism and Islam.

  4. As in Judaism, there has never been a concept of "forcing" the Messiah.

    Regarding the arrival of the 'go'al
    Mashiach', there have always been two options. Either he will arrive "on time" or he will "come earlier". There are many chazals on each options, which describe in detail the procedures and possibilities.

  5. None of those options involve proselytizing to bring the Messiah.

    That is borrowed.

  6. Clinton: No talks with Hamas before group recognizes Israel

    Published: 01.13.09, 20:36 / Israel News

    US Secretary of State-designate Hillary Clinton told the Senate confirmation hearing that President-elect Barack Obama would not engage in dialogue with Hamas as long as it refuses to renounce violence and recognize Israel’s right to exist. (AFP)

    Someone should explain to Ms. Clinton that Hamas and other Messianic cults do not recognize the right of ANY nationalistic government to exist.

    The only "government" that Hamas will ever recognize will be under their religious leaders.

    And just think that before the election, the Pentagon was talking about funding and training another pseudo Islamic extremist death cult they hoped would overthrow Ahmedinejad.


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