Monday, February 15, 2010

Tropper scandal - edited video

This is the link to a purported video of tropper. It has been edited for issues of modesty. It is only for those who still think that the audio recordings were forged and need additional proof. For those who are convinced already - there is no reason to watch it.

I have been requested to remove the link.

It can readily be found by search Youtube


  1. Rabbi Eidensohn,

    I have great respect for you, and lehavdil, I have even greater disgust for Mr L. Tropper.

    whilst this clip would not get X - rated certificate in the cinema, it is still not something that is befitting to be linked on your website.

    It is clear what is going in this video, or what has just gone on.

    Since this isn't a doctor's surgery where a patient is getitng dressed again; nor is it a mixed swimming pool , it is a hotel room.

    A rabbi with 2 women ina hotel room, give me a break!

    Nevertheless, this kind of filth should not be on your front page.

  2. this is the man who wrote one of those english language frum books, a Halachic work on Yichud.
    As Habad used to say, draw your own conclusions!

  3. Very disgusting, not a good way to start the morning (OK, I was warned) It is so pathetic, Tropper who hates rav Lookstein so much and tried to invalidate his beis din conversions would be wiser if he took those 'Sex With the Rabbi' classes in Ramaz from rav Lookstein.

    One of the issue they discuss in the classes is if it is OK to be active in Synagogue and in swinging....

  4. DT:

    Who requested you remove the link?

    Why did you think it was appropriate in the first place?

  5. Here's my big question:

    Isn't the man in the video wearing a tan suit?

    Would LY wear anything but a black suit?

    Didn't he try & passul any dayan who wore a brown suit?

    I'd guess this is someone else.

  6. Can you imagine someone sets up an ultra Glatt Kosher Beth din, with megaHumras, and calls all other Kashrut treif. He enlists all the Gedolim to set up a universal Kashrut system, and anyone who differs, be they regualr Glatt, Modern rabbanut (Kosher without glatt), is called a heretic.
    Then the same man, serves chazir which he bought from asupermarket in his house, or stays at some cheap motel and has pork sausages for breakfast, and beef from a treif kitchen at his dinner.

    But the Gedolim remain silent, and try to attack Sephardim for being zionists.

  7. DT:

    I know that the VIDEO tapes have been discredited completely by rabbinical authorities weeks ago.The results of their testing were done about a month ago.The results showed that the tapes are not authentic and were professionally DOCTORED and accordingly halachically invalid.

  8. :

    I know that the VIDEO tapes have been discredited completely by rabbinical authorities weeks ago.The results of their testing were done about a month ago.The results showed that the tapes are not authentic and were professionally DOCTORED and accordingly halachically invalid.
    Which rabbis poskened on this and what did they base their decisions?

    What did these authorities say about audio recording?

    Were these the same learned rabbis who proclaimed the audio recordings as false since tropper was a tzadik and couldn't done these things?

  9. To DT:


  10. It is only for those who still think that the audio recordings were forged and need additional proof


    Wasted effort, Would not work!

    Those Tropper's zombies, his Weirdo BT's and the people who get their allowance from him would never be convinced.

    Even if the menuval will expose himself on the Kol Yaakov's bima they will still say it is not Tropper.

  11. Although I do believe he is guilty (he would have been screaming since day one) and it is him on the video... He never wears tan pants. Maybe the black and white distorts the color?

  12. That isn't Tropper in the video!

  13. Talmud says dress in black and go to a far away place. Presumably, if you already dress that way, you would make a shinui, so that you r not recognized.

  14. from short time KY talmid

    It's definitely him. You can see his face in profile at times. The way he walks and bends, the way he kisses the head like he does with TP. The woman on the right is definitely Liba. Even if I had not been told who they were I would have recognized them from their body language.

    To the shoteh who tries to prove it's not him because of the color of his pants! Do you really think he would rendezvous with two women in a hotel room dressed as he normally does, trying to draw attention to himself, proud of his name and titles?

    But since you claim not to believe it, sure, let's see the rest until everyone who knows him sees something they can identify.

    Professional videographer! We are looking at proof of wrongdoing from a hidden camera, maybe a phone hidden in a purse, reflecting off a mirror. Nobody got up on a ladder with a big camera while others held lights around a chupa!

    No proof of anything? It's obviously the tape Liba and Shannon discuss on the tape, and those are definitely their voices on the tape. Liba is worried if it's proof, and she never expresses outrage of a fraud, only worry if you can really see everything.

    The lengths people go in order to deny the obvious. I know of only one "professional videographer" who gets so excited trying to prove that he knows more about his trade than anyone else.

  15. How come you are not posting on the new Rogosnitzky scandal? Are the fancy upper East Side synagogues paying off the nekiyei hadaas Biyerosholayim?

  16. I just saw the video on for someone who knows him for over a year it is very clear that it is him, even though it is taped in a dark room with a bad camera.

    He is not wearing tan pants, this is a cheap camera with night vision taped in a dark room, and things that are dark look light.

    It is funny how people are so quick to find any little excuse to right away say it is not Tropper.

    Does it make sense to the conspiracy theorists out there, that someone would go to the extent of making a big production, hiring 3 actors who looks exactly like them, rent a hotel room, and then forget to get the actor who looks exactly like Tropper, a black suit?

    Grow up people!

  17. Made me think about the conversion of the girl revoked by Tropper and the EJF.

    I wonder if he tried to force her into threesome as well.

  18. What is particularly disturbing, is this man's credentials:

    He had 4 semichas, one of them from rav Shach, and one from R' Zolti.

    He had backing of R Eliashiv, who is a Giant in Torah, and is relied upon to see things as they are. He had close relshp with R' Feinstein, who is an American rabbinic leader.

    He wrote several books.

    He was a Rosh Yeshiva.

    He was advertised in trash papers like Yated as a serious figure.

    This cannot be explained, unless the system that supported it was deeply flawed.

    Furthermore - the same system is keeping silent about him now.

    That implies guilt, and / or collusion in some of his other activities.

  19. "It's obviously the tape Liba and Shannon discuss on the tape, and those are definitely their voices on the tape. Liba is worried if it's proof, and she never expresses outrage of a fraud, only worry if you can really see everything."
    What you are saying is that Leba saw and knew of this tape prior to it being released to public? why would she want such a tape in existence??would'nt she yell at shannon for doing this at the time? something is missing in this story...and the tape does look like it was doctored...

  20. there is another storm brewing...

  21. Tapefraud: How does thetape look like it was doctored? because it is choppy and was edited to spare us from seeing these peoples private parts?!

    It is very simple, the conversation where Leba admits to being on the tape, is when she is unaware that Shannon was infact the one who recorded the tape, Shannon was still in the collecting evidence part of her relationship with Tropper, and wanted to make sure that she had Leba and Troper on tape admitting that it was them on the tape, that mission was accomplished. Whether she was at fault we cannot judge, as we were not in her shoes. I know from my own experience, even though looking back it was all in my mind, of how controlling and manipulating Rabbonim like Tropper can make someone very scared and make them feel like they are cornered. In Orand's eyes Tropper was holding her geirus and the Torah over her head. In my opinion she did the right thing by proving her case, rather then quitting going through with her geirus, or continuing to be manipulated by Tropper and give in to his requests to sleep with other men.

  22. If the tape was actually a forgery, those who made the determination would step forward, identify themselves and present their credentials. The rabbonim who who accepted the final 'verdict' of a forged tape would have identified themselves.

    If the tape was a forgery, Tropper and his wife would have publicly defended themselves against the injustice perpetrated against them.

    It is not torah or tefilah that keeps us in line. It is midos and character that do that. No amount of learning and no amount of tefilah changes that truth. If we don't attach character and midos to our torah, we are Tropper. There are legiosn of far less learned baalei batim that have far greater midos and character.

    Linking or pointing to the video is far more important than bringing the prurient interests to the fore.

    This video shows that the frum olam is subject to the same influences and nisyonos as everyone else. We are not special or different. No amount of learning or mussar inoculates us from the challenges we face.

    As I noted earlier, to be a talmid chacham with a following is easy. To be a tzaddik and walk upright with Yosher is much more difficult.

    No one will remember Tropper for his smichos or leaning. We do remember those yechidim in our lives who walked upright.

  23. "What you are saying is that Leba saw and knew of this tape prior to it being released to public? why would she want such a tape in existence??would'nt she yell at shannon for doing this at the time? something is missing in this story"

    I'll take a stab at this.

    From the tapes, it sounds like somebody sent the video to Leba telling her that the sender was Japanese, probably to mix them up as to the source.

    Shannon seems to have secretly made the video. It is not so clear to people who don't recognize the troppers, so to nail it down for her bais din, she taped a phone call to Leba (or Leba to her), hoping Leba would incriminate herself on the phone while discussing the video, which she did.

    After that Shannon wouldn't care much if Leba found out who made the video because she had her proof for bais din. Shannon did try to protect Leba by saying in an interview that Leba did not have lesbian relationships but was being pressured by her husband to do this.

    The threat of releasing the video was used to pressure tropper to step down from EJF and its control. My guess is that since tropper is denying everything in bais din, someone decided to release part of it. Supposedly, there was a video shown in Israel that led to posters to boycott tropper being put up there when the scandal first broke. Whether this is that video can only be confirmed by those who saw that one.

    So maybe now Leba would yell at Shannon for doing this at the time. But I think Shannon is pretty thick skinned and cares more about becoming a Jew than protecting Leba's feelings.

  24. Growing Up: Well said!

  25. The Truth Hurts said...
    Can't force myself to cut and paste but need to say I did not know people could be so naive.

  26. The Truth Hurts said...
    Can't force myself to cut and paste but need to say I did not know people could be so naive.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Look at the difference how modern zionist world deal with their predators compared to Haredi world.

  29. I know leib and leba for many years and obviously it is them.

    I know I will feel awkward next time I see them. Feel bad for the twin girls though

  30. "Look at the difference how modern zionist world deal with their predators compared to Haredi world."

    Are you referring to the Lanner situation?

    Apparently not well at all.

  31. where is the real video? you do not see any action ther

  32. just to let you know there was a meeting with alot of rabbonim tonight in monsey. and after alot of back and forth b"h they forced leib tropper to legally sign over his yeshiva. and made up with him that he must leave monsey in the next 6 months.

  33. Does that mean he no longer has a hold on all those millions? And what about Tom Kaplan? Is he still Tropper's friend? And what about the money that Guma is accusing Tropper of not delivering to where it was supposed to go?

  34. no, this story broke yesterday,7340,L-3849811,00.html

    he was isolated and putin cherem 4 years ago, and stripped of his rabinical duties.

    it is a tragedy, he was a great rabbi, had big following, and was a serious rosh yeshiva

    the world is falling apart...


  36. With no mention of EJF, are we to infer that Tropper is free to continue his activities under EJF and to continue to obtain multi-million dollar funding from Tom Kaplan and engage in lavish expenditures under EJF and to dole out mega million contributions to his friends -- while other educational institutions are facing financial hardships?

    What is the public to do when observing Tropper engage in activities under EJF or under the guise of any other institution in the future? Who is the public to turn to? Which beis din is going to be willing to reopen this sordid mess? Or did the beis din intend to allow Tropper to continue his activities anywhere but in Monsey?

    Regrettably, one is left with a most uncomfortable feeling that the beis din has not adequately protected the public -- at least not yet.

  37. Baruch Lanner is in Boca with his star student Smolarcik.

    Tropper could join the Boca Chevra or go to North Miami and join Schmeltzer.

  38. I think New Zealand could use a kiruv yeshiva, maybe he would be interested.....

  39. This is mamish pili ployim


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