Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Shalom Bayis

 Rav Moshe used to return home everyday for a hot lunch meal.  This was his main meal of the day  prepared carefully by his wife. One day just as he arrived for the meal, the phone rang and he was distracted from the meal for a long time. His wife kept telling him to hang-up and eat his lunch but he continued speaking and thus missed his meal. After a long time, when he had finished the call he returned to the yeshiva. The students who accompanied him asked why he had skipped his lunch. He replied simply that it was an important call involving shalom bayis (domestic harmony). The students then asked, ”Why was the caller’s shalom bayis more important than his own?” He replied simply, ”In the case of the caller there was two people fighting but in his case there was only one.” 

1 comment :

  1. I would imagine that Rav Moshe did not say his wife was "fighting" with him.


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