Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Making stories up about Rav Moshe

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  •  Mesores Moshe, (vol. 4, p. 434): I asked Rabbi Feinstein whether the well known story that is told about him was correct. The claim is that he once drank by mistake some non cholov Yisroel milk in America. When he was informed of the mistake he went to the bathroom and forced himself to vomit out the milk. Rav Moshe looked at me like I was crazy and he said, "It never happened! Someone who had nothing to do made up this story." I told him that is what I had assumed because it was difficult to believe that he would be so strict in a matter which was essentially permitted. Furthermore what benefit would result from vomiting it out. The critical issue is to avoid the pleasure in drinking. I think he agreed with me.

    It is interesting to see that Mordechai Tendler wrote this. However a number of years ago, after I had heard that the story was told at a Beis Yakov graduation by the principal. I personally asked him about the story. He replied that he had no personal knowledge about it but could not believe that Rav Moshe would do something so disgusting. He said it went against his nature


    1. Why is it interesting that Mordecai T wrote this?
      Unexpected or unreliable?

      1. First, it's Rav Tendler, okay.
        Second, the story I heard was that he was at some event, picked up one jug of cholov Yisroel milk, put it down and the picked up another and poured from it. Suddenly word went out that the first job's brand was no longer kosher because Rav Moshe looked at it and put it down! And when asked later, he say, "No, it was empty!"

      2. It was Rav, but now it's bchizkas menuval

    2. My favourite is still the one about the Chofetz Chayim, zt"l, having a life sized altar with ramp in his living so he could practice running up and down and around it so he'd be ready if the Beis HaMikdash was rebuilt.
      And when his son was asked about it, the reply was "My father had a really small living room."


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