Thursday, December 26, 2024

Trump Has a New Plan to Deal With Campus Protests

The threat is classic Trump: vindictive, nonsensical, disproportionate, and based on the assumption that deportation is the answer to America’s problems. Protest is an essential element of American freedom and is not itself against the law. (Some protesters have been charged with crimes.) One would think it goes without saying that U.S. citizens cannot be deported for it. Although some of those protesting the war in Gaza and American support for it are international students, no evidence indicates that most or even a large minority of those protesting on campuses are non-U.S. citizens. (Foreign nationals can lose their student visa if they are suspended from school for any reason, political or otherwise.) In short, Trump is proposing a heavy-handed plan that wouldn’t solve the problem.


  1. Interesting to see how Trump is approaching campus protests. It's crucial to find a balance between free speech and maintaining order on campuses. Speaking of balancing work and relaxation, a Beach and Sintra Tour sounds like the perfect way to unwind after a busy week of political discussions!

  2. Demonstrating in favour of terrorist groups and calling for the elimination of Jews is not an essential element of American freedom.
    And the US is well within its rights to deport students who abuse the freedoms that the country provides by breaking its laws.
    And there's plenty of evidence that a lot of these students are non-citizens. The Atlantic is lying.

    1. Nope! not according to constitution -
      Maybe you can do that in Canada but not in USA

    2. Wrong. First, freedom of speech does not apply to private institutions. If I have an employee in an American business, I can dictate his speech. If I have private land for my business, I can dictate who can and cannot stand there.
      Protestors who occupy university and other open private areas are not allowed to cry "freedom of assembly". People calling for harm to others are not covered by "freedom of speech".


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