Friday, June 7, 2024

The Hunter Biden Case Is Solid. There’s Something Rotten About It Too.

Many people have pointed out — correctly — that the federal prosecutions of Biden are strong, if not dispositive, evidence that the Justice Department has not actually been “weaponized” against Republicans or the president’s opponents, least of all Trump. The pending federal criminal cases against Democrat-turned-independent Sen. Bob Menendez and Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar rebut the claim, too, though there is no sign that Republicans will relent on this point.

In the wake of Trump’s recent criminal conviction in Manhattan, most Republicans in Congress seem to have decided that they will echo Trump’s claim that he is the victim of an amorphous, multipronged conspiracy between federal prosecutors and local prosecutors in New York and Georgia to take him down at the behest of Biden.

The theory makes almost no sense, since (as I have noted before) the reason that all of these cases exist is precisely because the president and Attorney General Merrick Garland failed to pursue Trump’s potential criminal misconduct aggressively after Trump left office and foolishly allowed local prosecutors to fill the void.


  1. It's a show trial with two possible outcomes
    1) Innocent! See, but we did try him so it's evidence we're not biased against Trump.
    2) Guilty (with a minimal penalty or none at all)! See, we did try him and we found him guilty so we're not biased against Trump.

  2. I reckon that by your reasoning Judaism and Christianity have similar weight. The big argument for us is mass revelation, a conspiracy between mass amounts of people is bound to fail. But you believe that all the DAs and the whole DOJ are in on a conspiracy but Noone spills the beans.

    1. People try to use this argument: a conspiracy so big is impossible! Except how long did the Soviets keep up their image as a "workers' paradise" in the West? How many Western journalists happily hid the secret of the evil of the USSR?
      People are often small, even when they're in big positions. All it often takes is either "We will fire us and use social media to destroy your life" or "We'll give you a nice promotion" and people fall in line.

    2. I hear u, not to get off topic but what is your state of Emuna? I am not attacking you but I am curious why someone with your mode of thinking wouldn't presume that all religion is a hoax?

    3. My state of emunah is just fine, thank you. I'm in this for my relationship with God, after all. I'm cynical when people misuse religion, especially mine but that doesn't affect my faith in the truth of Torah.


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