Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Piers Morgan -Objective observer of Trump?!


Morgan was the winner of the U.S. celebrity version of The Apprentice in 2008. He was eventually the overall winner, being named Celebrity Apprentice by host Donald Trump on 27 March, ahead of fellow finalist, American country music star Trace Adkins,[119][120] and having raised substantially more cash than all the other contestants combined.[121] Morgan was called "ruthless, arrogant, evil and obnoxious" by Trump in the final.[122] Morgan stated he personally would not vote for Trump in the 2016 United States presidential election (though as a permanent resident of the United States, not a citizen, he is not qualified to vote).[123] He predicted Trump's election as President of the United States and described himself as a close friend.[124] 


  1. Is WSJ also "a friend of Trump."


    1. Yes. Reporting known lies about Trump's opponent makes it a friend of Trump

  2. If he is so sharp, let's see him handle a press conference without reading from a sheet. From before day one, on the election campaign trail, he relied on papers for simple response instructions. We know only because of his frequent mistakes in reading "pause now" out loud. Lucky us. Fetterman recently made such a mistake but laughed about it instantly like a sane human. Biden keeps reading as if he doesn't recognize that he made an error.

  3. Anyone who isn't a sworn enemy of Trump and only speaks evil of him day and night is an enemy of Biden

    1. Certain things are akin to "yehareig v'lo yaavor" for our mighty host - eg anything pro Trump, anything Freud said... on the other hand, some actual aveiros in the Torah are all subject to opinion and interpretation - astrology (forbidden by rambam, and shulchan aruch) , etc etc..

    2. Certain things happen to be things you mistakenly think are self evident

    3. KA are you claiming Piers Morgan is actually an objective reporter
      and not someone who is looking for attention and approval?!

    4. Well of course he's looking for attention and approval. He's got a talk show. He needs ratings to keep it from getting cancelled. Duh.

    5. Not at all, Piers M is not objective, and he is not he ikkar here but the toifel. My point is that the ikkar is Trump, hence anything that appears to support him in anyway becomes "treif", whilst anything that Biden and his hordes do is automatically and unquestionably "correct"


    6. you mean that anyone stating that Trump is an adulterer, rapist fraud felon who is careless about national security and is a chronic liar, hypocrite etc etc. means that I am not objective and am simply showing support for Biden!?

      What do you think is the correct manner to report Trump's clear lack of fitness and competence without implying that Biden is preferrable?
      Given the reality of having to chose only one of them , How can the bad news about Trump not imply support for Biden?

    7. > anyone stating that Trump is an adulterer, rapist fraud felon who is careless about national security and is a chronic liar, hypocrite etc...

      while denying that Biden is corrupt, demented, and also a chronic liar who's careless about the country's borders

      Yeah, that's the point.

  4. Careless is not the same as deliberate policy against national security, aka O'Biden

    1. Concealing documents despite a subpoena is not careless, Revealing Israeli secrets to the Russians or saying he believes Putin against the CIA is not careless it is incompetence

    2. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/biden-classified-documents-report-02-08-24/index.html

    3. Where does it discuss deliberate policy against national security?

    4. DT, I've said it before and I'll say it again.
      You don't know Trump. You've never met him or any of his associated. You don't know Biden or his associated either. Everything you know about either man is entirely from the media and how they report on them.
      Remember - the same media that still claims that Israel is causing a famine in Gaza, that October 7 happened because the Israelis were occupying Gaza, that Hamas is a credible partner for peace, that over 35000 civilians were killed by the Israelis in Gaza and so on. The same media.

    5. T his was about classified documents
      Funding - or release of funds to the Iranian khameni regime is deliberate policy. The same sworn enemy that chants death to America.

    6. In Shi'ite theology, there is a "midras" about a tall black man who at the end of days will help the Shiite "mahdi" (their pseudo messianic figure) to appear. Obama was this man, in the iranian regime's eyes. Both Obama and Biden have given 10s of $Billions to iran to help their world terror and nuclear campaigns. They know that Iran wishes to destroy both America and Israel, chas v'shalom, but they are such rashaim, that they are actually aiding Iran, and avoiding any sort of reckoning for the evil terrorist regime. Even if you dislike Trump - as some republicans openly do - why do you think it is good toe worship the ground on which they walk on?

    7. Wow! If media is wrong about Israel that means that Trump is innocent?!

    8. Radical skepticism! Do you exist? Is the world really round. I can only accept information I have personally verified?! What rabbit hole do you live in? Maybe Trump and Biden don't exist? Do I exist?

    9. This is not about gedolim. It's not about a choice between bnei brak Vs the yerushalmi faction, where they are both tzaddikim but with some minor policy differences.
      It's essentially a 2 party system. The Gop still want America to be a superpower and to check terrorist regimes like Iran.
      The Dems have guilt about power, and see all islamic regimes as their equal or even superior. That's why they fund Iran to build nukes against the western world.

    10. Definitely dont give the Dems that much credit that they feel "guilty." They are bad, same as most politicians, and care most about money and power. Somehow, they gain more power by going easy on Iran. My rule of thumb, when u see ppl defying common sense, there is a major ulterior motive.

    11. Crazy Democrats following consensus of world leaders on Iran strategy - that "proves" all they care about is money and power
      In contrast the Republicans are truly altruistic and just want Russia to dominate the World.
      Commonsense means agreeing with your viewpoint on everything

    12. The republican softness on Russia is not comprehensible. Really strange.


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