Thursday, June 27, 2024

Bowman ouster underscores political danger for progressives

Bowman’s criticisms of Israel amid the ongoing war with the Palestinian militant group Hamas in the wake of the Oct. 7 attacks made his race a referendum on how palatable his stance is, especially since his district has a strong Jewish population. Now Democrats are trying to determine what the lessons from his race are for the party nationwide.

“You never can lose touch with your district,” said one Democratic lawmaker, speaking without attribution to express a critique of Bowman. “You’ve got to know who your voters are. And so when you lose touch with your voters, this is what happens.”

“Of course there was a ton of money put into the race, but I think primarily he lost touch with his district,” the lawmaker added.

1 comment :

  1. Soros pumps millions into a "progressive" cause = legitimate support.
    AIPIC pumps millions into supporting Israel politically = evil bribery and voter brainwashing.

    The Dem's are Woke and for the Woke, "consequences" is for other people. Bowman can't figure out how his hateful style led to people not wanting to vote for him because it means there's "consequences" and that shouldn't apply to him.


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