Tuesday, June 25, 2024

MAGA prepares for Biden Winning Debates

 Just as we saw before elections Trump world is laying the groundwork to explain a Trump defeat by a senile incompetent Biden.  

After a strong and dishonest campaign to convince the world that Biden is senile, they have succeeded in lowering the bar so that if Biden stays awake for the whole debate he will be the clear winner

However since Trump can't simply say the debate was stolen like he did for the election. They are claiming that Biden will take some mysterious drug that cures his "senility". Hence the bizarre demand for drug tests. Even the MAGa doctor Ronny Johnson can't identify it. Another strategy even before the debate starts is that the moderators are totally biased against Trump and that Trump is so heroic going into the lion's den of fake news to proclaim the "Truth"

In sum MAGA is anticipating a clear loss to Biden in the debates but that will give them the excuse to say he was crucified by the deep state so please donate generously so he can rise again and save the World


  1. Trumps debating issue is that he isn't book smart. So he relies on witty comebacks and common sense assertions but generally fails at any question that requires a regurgitation of facts or policy. Hence Trump lost the debates in 2020 when Biden failed to react to the Hunter claim (and then in classic Biden deceitful fashion attempted to pass off information about his other son as if he was talking about Hunter).

    1. He is not endowed with commonsense either. He lies about many issues which are easily refuted, In short he is not a smart liar but a compulsive one. He is also easily manipulated through flattery


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