Monday, June 24, 2024

Charges dropped for most of Columbia University protesters arrested at Hamilton Hall

In calling for the dismissal of charges Thursday, Assistant District Attorney Stephen Millan cited what he called "extremely limited video," adding that "the security cameras were immediately covered by certain defendants," who prosecutors have been unable to identify.

The available video evidence "fails to establish or prove" the 31 people participated in damaging university property or causing harm to anyone, making it difficult for prosecutors to prove anything other than trespassing at trial, the DA's office said.

Columbia University on Thursday declined to comment on the court proceedings when contacted by CNN.

Fourteen of the defendants still facing charges - 12 of whom were neither staff nor students at Columbia - have been offered Adjournments in Contemplation of Dismissal (ACD), the Manhattan DA's office said. An ACD allows a court to defer a defendant's case - with the potential that the defendant's charge will be dismissed - if the defendant does not engage in additional criminal conduct.


  1. So get creative! bring a trespass charge! Get creative like he did with trump and make that trespass an attempt in furtherance of another crime. It seems civil unrest doesn't bother him too much.

    1. Wow! You mean he doesn't view confused college students as big a threat as Trump?

    2. Yes, it means he doesn't consider violent crime as big a threat as financial shenanigans,.

    3. So you admit that this is a weponization of the justice department against big bad Trump only that it is justified because Trump is a major threat. Nice to hear!

    4. Wrong again! you are making sweeping generalizations without clear evidence

      No that claim does not follow from what I wrote. No it was not weaponized against Trump - Trump committed a crime with strong evidence against him. The fact that you don't view him as a criminal doesn't make the application of charges against him evidence of weaponization.
      The fact that people charged with same crime get different punishments is not proof of weaponization of the law
      There is more of a case that there was weaponization of law against Hunter Biden.

    5. His crime was a misdemeanor for which the statute of limitations expired. It took some fancy legal acrobatics to turn it into 34 felonies for attempt and creative jury instructions that allowed to juries to choose their own legal theories as long as it would convict Trump under a judge who should have recluse himself due to his ties to the democratic party. But yes, very strong evidence of mislabling legal payments but not the point.

      Dems started, Hunter is motivated by revenge and anger.

    6. What about Alvin campaigning on a promise to "get Trump." No case for weaponization there. I will be honest, though, trump has it coming. It is a given that pololitical opponents will do everything and anything to bring you down. If someone isn't ready to have their high school report cards and their college love life scrutinized for dirt, they have no business in politics. It's just the nature of the game.

    7. Getting Trump who is widely known as a fraud and dishonest business man is a no braner

    8. Bragg did not say he was going to "get Trump" - another Republican lie. He said he would continue the case against Trump that his predecessor had started

    9. Bragg said during his campaign that he would continue his predecessor's investigation and hold Trump “accountable by following the facts where they go.”


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