Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Trump isn't a politician, he's an entertainer

Trump is unquestionably our worst president. Yet, in terms of air time and occupying mental space, he is our most successful entertainer ever. He doesn’t care about the first. He clearly obsesses over the second.


  1. I continue to maintain that Trump never intended to win in 2016. He wanted the national media exposure and the experience to leverage into future TV deals to keep himself in the public eye.
    And the only reason he's back in 2024 is his personal sense of humiliation in 2020. Had he won, we'd be seeing the end of his 2nd term now and he'd be happily retiring as "the most amazing, bestest, greatest President ever"

    1. Trump had contracted a new TV show series about running for elections behind the scenes. Only problem was he won. On a side note, my favorite political moment was at the second (I think) 2016 debate when the moderator finished the debate by asking each candidate to give a genuine complimemt to each other (Trump complimented Hillary as a strong women and Hillary on Trumps tight family). Those days of good sportsmanship in politics have been destroyed by the likes of Pelosy.

    2. Wow poor Republican victims destroyed by Pelosi. Trump is the
      greatest exemplar of good sportsmanship since he refuses to admit defeat and constantly slanders his "enemies"

    3. What amazing fantasies you have, He will never stop his fight for revenge because of being an inherently jealous and insecure person!

    4. It's a high risk battle and these are the cards the right is forced to use. Because one side has repeatedly set the precedent that they wish to DESTROY any formidable opponents and reward their supporters (forget free speach and "American values of good sportsmanship", drink our Kool-aid and life will be good). Nicki Haley is my representative of choice but desperate times calls for desperate measures.

    5. The bottom line is that while a slight majority might favour Trump, an overwhelming majority would like two different candidates.


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