Friday, March 5, 2021

The real reason for the Dr. Seuss freakout

But the American right has become the all-out party of gender and racial grievance, and they are hyper focused on two things: maintaining power, and not actually being held accountable for governing.
That's why they obsess over culture war stories like Dr. Seuss: There's no legislative solution (unless they want to nationalize the children's book industry), so there's no way for the Republican Party to have failed to deliver on a promise; there's only finger-pointing at perceived enemies (liberals, wokes, Democrats), which rallies the troops. What are they being rallied for? They're not quite sure -- but they know who they're against.
And conservatives think the top story is Dr. Seuss? If that's where we all turn our attention, how convenient for them.


  1. stupid article:
    the books were withdrawn because of woke cancel culture, and a fear of a backlash.
    I remember Tom & Jerry cartoons, about a cat and mouse, and sometimes they would show the black legs of the housemaid in the kitchen. So that is also racist, as is depicts modern slavery ..
    The article goes on to talk about more serious new , and complains about why they are making such a fuss about this. Yeah, BLM is also a a big distarction, half million dead from pandemic, hundreds being killed by (black) criminals, yet they make a fuss about 1 victim of police brutality.

  2. These are outright lies.
    The liberal left "discovered" that Dr Suess has racist pictures in it. The liberal left decided to cancel Dr Suess. The liberal left obsesses over identity - racial, gender, sexual, you name it. The liberal left pushes "victim culture" to absolve itself of moral responsibility for its reprehensible behaviour. "We can be cruel! We're the victims!"
    Conservatives obsess over culture war stories because they believe in freedom of speech and thought, even if it's hateful. The liberal left has decided that freedom of speech is part of "White privilege" and has to be severely limited - coincidentally, to only those opinions the liberal left approves of
    The enemies to freedom of thought, economic mobility and religious freedom are the liberal left.
    What you have here is a variation on Russia's "Poland started WW2" lie.

  3. Translation: "While we wage this war on American culture, you are bad for protesting, and you are only questioning it because your politicians refuse to govern and you want power and racial grievances or something like that! So stop opposing our demolition of American culture"

  4. Are you possibly referencing the Ambassador of Free Speech, @therealdonaldtrump? He spoke very freely, indeed. Just didn't let anyone else speak. So help you if you crossed.him with your free speech/ thoughts. He would tar and feather you personally on his official twitter account. Is that the free speech the Republicans believe in?


  6. You don't seem to understand how speech works. Responding or criticizing is not denial of a person's right to speech.

  7. I'm sorry. " I don't understand how speech works". Can you elaborate?
    Please explain in greater detail how the Donald went about his Twitter rage attacks in a manner that encouraged free speech from everyone he engaged with. Frankly, I feel very fortunate to be having a free speech moment with you, someone who seems to really understand " how speech works". I'm eagerly awaiting your reply so I can bask in your knowledge of "how speech works".

  8. Yes, The Donald went on Twitter rages. And then Twitter one-upped him and cancelled his account. What's worse?

  9. Only six of the Dr Seuss books were canceled.
    The rest are selling even better now.
    Besides, the Suess Family Foundation should have paid off whoever was starting this business.
    Has happened before with LGBTQ interests.


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