Friday, August 7, 2015

Haredi men order woman to move to back of one bus - but she sits next to haredi men on second bus

YNET   A Foreign Ministry worker in her 50s was forced to get off a bus in Jerusalem on Sunday after ultra-Orthodox men demanded that she move to the back side of the vehicle.  

Anna Schulkin, a resident of the Gilo neighborhood, got on Egged bus No. 36 in Jerusalem's Ramot neighborhood on Sunday afternoon. As there were no other vacant seats, she sat in the front part of the bus opposite a teenage haredi boy.

"To my surprise, the boy got up, turned his back on me, tapped his fingers as if he were addressing a dog and said to me: 'Go backwards, that's where you belong,'" she later told Ynet. [...]
As the atmosphere heated up, Schulkin decided to get off the bus and share her experience in an angry Facebook post. "I got off fast, not before I took as many pictures as possible," she wrote. "Our home is on fire. We are burning each other."[...]

The driver's passivity and the passengers' fiery behavior, she says, made her realize that there was no one there to defend her rights. "I decided that I didn’t want to flex the muscles I don’t have, and got off the bus."  [...]

Schulkin says she got on another bus in which she sat next to three haredi men, and none of them said anything or insulted her. "I told them what had happened to me and said, 'I can't believe you're letting me sit here. God bless you.' It's important to know that not all people are the same."  


  1. Some chareidi bus lines try to impose separate seating, some don't. By way of example, people on the lines serving Mattersdorf area couldn't care less about seating arrangements and no attempt is made to impose separate seating. Someones it takes just one nut to make things unpleasant. On the Neveh Yaakov line, one guy has decided to be a public transport policeman. On one he yelled abusively at a woman sitting up front, another time, he yelled insultingly at an Arab driver who delayed at a stop to enable three Arabs to get on. When the nut's not around, few people one on the nominally separate seating Neveh Yaakov line care much what goes on.

  2. Headline here is misleading. It was a kid and not men. And he didn't necessarily order her. Is there a translation issue here? In English to say "you belong over there" is demeaning. In Hebrew, it isn't. Just means, here's my section, here's your section.

  3. @FWIW - nope! title is right - you don't seem to understand what happened. It wasn't a little kid saying that in his humble opinion it would be nice if she moved. The men on the bus supported the abuse. They were not simply suggesting they were telling her to get out of the front.

  4. What's the abuse part of this? Was there screaming, beating, spitting, snarling?

  5. These stories about Chareidim coming from zionist news outlets like Yedioth/Yney, JPost, Ha'aretz, etc., are as reliable as Der Stürmer reports about Jews.

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  7. None of those things are necessary to intimidate a person. Quit defending the indefensible.

  8. I had to write Egged defending an Arab bus driver because he was being verbally attacked on a Haredi line because he was ordering the to follow regulations.

    Some people don't understand that public services are governed by the government. Those who are so adamant about separate seating are free to hire a private service and have them do how they wish.

  9. They used to have their own private bus service, with gender separation, until the government forced it to close down to protect Egged's monopoly.

  10. But there are taxis which do bus routes all the time. How is that different?


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