Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Jerusalem's secular Jewish Identity


  1. What better do you expect from the zionists? The only surprise is that it is missing a cross with yushka pundrik nailed on.

  2. This is not anything new. JNF has been paying for Xmas trees to entice Christian tourists to Jerusalem back in the 90s under Netanyahu.

    Here is an article from 2004:

    Zionism is and has always been a Christian theology.

  3. BTW, the title of this post is "Jerusalem's secular"...

    This title seems to allude that Christmas is a "secular" holiday.

    Last I looked, it was a Christian holiday.

  4. Yes, there are residents of Jerusalem who pay Arnona (property) tax and get services from the city including X-mas trees just like Jews get branches to put on their sukkot. There are also hundreds of foreign journalists who celebrate the holiday.

    On Friday all of us Zionists will continue on our regular routine with banks and stores open. We wont even know it is XMAS. While all of you "American Yidden" will stay home from work and daven in a later Minyan all because of the XMAS holiday. So who is more like the Christians?

    Please remember to turn on some lights and do muktze so you will not be Baal Tosef!

  5. Kimat -

    If not for the true Bnei Torah in Eretz HaKodesh, if left up to the Zionists, Christmas would've been a national holiday whilst Yom Kippur would've been a workday.

  6. For this ad. we can thank none other than the Gerer Rebbe who voted in Nir Barkat. (a freind of mine received a phone call on the election day from the daughter of the rebbe to vote barakat)

  7. Aaron S.
    Never heard of a Zionist who had an affinity towards XMAS, try to think of another way to defame the residents of the Holy Land.

  8. tzip, The point is the zionists have a greater affinity towards Christmas than they do towards Yom Kippur. It was zionists like Jacob Klatzkin who declared "Let us be like all the nations... In longing for our land we do not desire to create there a base for the spiritual values of Judaism. To regain our land is for us an end in itself - the attaining of a free national life."

    (As an aside, you weren't previously aware of the Christian Zionists?)

  9. Xmas and JC's Brit day (aka New Years) are both on Friday this year.

    With the office closed, Thurs. afternoon and all of Friday, I should be able to make some extra special time consuming dishes l'kavod Shabbat that I would not usually have time to make on a short winter Erev Shabbat.

    We are all still in galut, don't kid yourself.

  10. In case some of you missed this in past years I am linking former Mayor Lupolianski's Christmas greetings:

    Happy holiday to all.

  11. Why do people pretend all "zionists" were the same? You cherrypick one quote from one of the more extremist elements, twist it out of context and then claim that "the zionists" all thought that. How absurd.

    People with the same halfwitted logic will also cite the fact that Herzl wanted to make the state in Uganda as "proof" that the zionists are dummies who have no love of Zion or Jewish values. But these people will ignore the fact that it was other *zionists* within the zionist congress who shot down this idea on the grounds that it was ludicrous that the Jewish homeland should be anywhere other than the Promised Land. Their easy rejection of this proposal was also a reflection of the fact that rank and file zionists would have largely reacted to the ludicrous idea with similar distaste.

    But let's pretend that all zionists were Herzl or clones of Jacob Klatzkin so that we can bash/scapegoat "the zionists" and direct our venom and sinath hinam at something rather than deal with our own flaws and problems.


    Mamash bizyonos. Spinka video using a popular Kratzmach niggun.

  13. I had always heard that
    the trees are given out to prevent people going into the forests and cutting down trees! it's not to celebrate holidays - it's to protect trees.
    (like distributing schach on succot, lehavdil)

  14. >tzip, The point is the zionists have a greater affinity towards Christmas than they do towards Yom Kippur. It was zionists like Jacob Klatzkin who declared "Let us be like all the nations... In longing for our land we do not desire to create there a base for the spiritual values of Judaism. To regain our land is for us an end in itself - the attaining of a free national life."<

    Judging 'Zionists' based on a quote or a particular lowlife here or there is about as sensible as judging all charedim based on Tropper or some other Charedei shyster. (And L-rd knows there's planty)

  15. Anonymous: That quote from Klatzkin pretty much sums up the stated desires of the "founding fathers" of the Zionists State.

  16. "Aaron S. said...
    Anonymous: That quote from Klatzkin pretty much sums up the stated desires of the "founding fathers" of the Zionists State."

    Only in your imagination and wishful thinking... (and maybe what your rabbi told you in yeshiva). But reality tells a different story.

    Btw, I didn't know Klatzkin was considered a "founding father" of the state of Israel. That would probably be news to Israelis.

  17. Anonymous - Only in your denial of reality is it otherwise. The reality is as Aaron stated.

    And Klatzkin was a zionist, who whilst he dies before the zionist state was founded, expressed the same sentiments in the above quote from him as his fellow zionists who did found the unholy state.

  18. If he expressed the same sentiments as all fellow zionists, then you wouldn't have to rely on quoting his meshugas, you could just quote an *actual* founding father of the state of Israel rather than a pseudo-founder philosopher. But let's consider someone else who was a philosopher like Klatzkin rather than a 'founding father' - How about Ahad HaAm? Clearly his philosophy is in stark contrast to that of Klatzkin (and to other streams of zionist thought). Perhaps you've never heard of him.

    When you lump them all together as "the zionists" or "the unholy zionists" and pretend they all had the same views, it shows your blatant ignorance on the subject. All you are doing is scapegoating.

    Either read up on these issues thoroughly or cease from making ignorant, uninformed statements and proclamations about them. Also, find a different outlet for whatever 'angst' you have.

  19. What a charade! Amazing that the Israeli government has money to waste on these trees but has no money to equip our young men who were sent to Lebanon to die! May Hashem repay their love affair with Ch-stian missionaries as they sell our people down the river! Note: sadly even Charedi organisations sell out to these people by working with them on humanitarian projects!


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