Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Donald Trump Tweets Video of 'Ask China' Press Conference Clash, Says Reporters Were Conspiring Against Him
Donald Trump
has branded the media "out of control" after walking away from a press
conference in which he told a reporter to "ask China" when she
questioned his comments on coronavirus test levels.
president left Monday's COVID-19 briefing after clashing with
journalists, following a query from CBS White House correspondent Weijia
Jiang which he branded "nasty."
Sharing a video of the exchange
on Twitter, Trump wrote: "The Lamestream Media is truly out of control.
Look how they work (conspire!) together. They are the Enemy of the
People, but don't worry, we will WIN in November!"
Fauci Warns Premature Reopening Could Trigger an Uncontrollable Outbreak Leading to 'Suffering and Death'
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country's top infectious disease expert at the
National Institute of Health, on Tuesday cautioned that states which
circumvent the White House's criteria to relax social distancing
guidelines could result in a second outbreak that overwhelms society.
Trump goes on wild tweetstorm to distract from Fauci testimony
Hours before his top medical adviser is expected to contradict his assurances that it's safe to reopen America, President Donald Trump is on a Twitter tear amplifying conspiracy theories and covering up for his own racially-tinged rhetoric to distract from his failures during the pandemic.
is making unfounded charges against his predecessor Barack Obama and
wading into the row over his treatment of an Asian American journalist
ahead of an appearance before a Senate committee
by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government's top infectious disease
specialist, and oral arguments before the Supreme Court about Trump's attempt to keep his financial information and tax returns from Congress and New York prosecutors.
Trump on Monday accused Democratic-led
states of deliberately slowing openings of their economies to hurt him
politically in an election year and is ignoring warnings of global
health experts that reopening societies will spark new spikes in
infections without the massive testing and tracing program that he has
failed to put in place.
Fauci testifies on Trump's coronavirus response
was responding to GOP Sen. Mitt Romney's question about President
Trump's recent suggestion that Obama was responsible for the lack of a
President said the other day that President Obama is responsible for
lack of vaccine. Dr. Fauci, is President Obama — or by
extension President Trump — did they do something that made
the likelihood of creating the vaccine less likely?" Romney asked.
President Trump nor his predecessor President Obama are responsible for
the lack of a coronavirus vaccine, Dr. Anthony Fauci said.
Sages not concerned with absolute truth but rather correct procedure
אמת ליעקב ויקרא פרק כא פסוק ב
ואפשר6 דלפי מושגם באמת נחלקו ג"כ בפרק האשה שנתארמלה [כתובות דף י"ז ע"א] בענין כיצד מרקדין לפני הכלה, דב"ה סברי דיאמר כלה נאה וחסודה, וב"ש ס"ל דיש בזה חשש שקר, והיינו דב"ש סברי שבשום אופן אסור לשנות מהאמת לאמיתה, ולכן אפילו אם אחד קנה מקח רע מן השוק אסור לשבחו - שהרי לפי האמת האמיתית הרי זה מקח רע, וב"ה סברי דכיון דלעולם בעינן שתהיה דעתו של אדם מעורבת עם הבריות א"כ אין זה נחשב לשקר, והיינו שצריך להתחשב עם האמת של רגשי האדם, ודו"ק היטב.
ונבין לפ"ז מה דאיתא בספרי קבלה דלעתיד לבוא תיפסק ההלכה כבית שמאי, והיינו משום דרק בעולמנו צריכים אנו להתחשב עם האמת הנראית לרוב בני אדם, אבל לעתיד לבוא שאז תתגלה האמת האמיתית בודאי תהיה ההלכה כב"ש, ודו"ק.
ונראה בביאור דבריהם, ע"פ מה שביארתי באריכות בחידושי לעיל בפרשת בראשית [א' פכ"ו] דהתורה מסרה לנו את המדות שהתורה נדרשת על ידיהן, ועל ידי אותן המדות אנו פוסקין כל ספק שנולד לנו באיזו הלכה - ואין לו לדיין מה שעיניו רואות, וכשהללו מזכין - אף שהאמת לאמתו שהוא חייב, מ"מ אם הרוב מזכין הרי הוא זכאי על פי דין תוה"ק דאחרי רבים להטות, ואף שאפשר שהמיעוט כיון לאמיתת האמת מ"מ התורה מסרה לנו את הדין איך שנדרוש עפ"י השכל האנושי, ועיי"ש5. ועיין בים של שלמה [בהקדמתו למסכתות ב"ק וחולין] איך שביאר הא דאמרו בגמ' אלו ואלו דברי אלקים חיים.
והנה בעירובין [דף י"ג ע"ב] איתא: ג' שנים נחלקו ב"ש וב"ה הללו אומרים הלכה כמותנו והללו אומרים הלכה כמותנו יצאה ב"ק ואמרה אלו ואלו דברי אלקים חיים הן והלכה כב"ה, ועיי"ש. ולכאורה מאי שנא מכל פלוגתא דתנאי או אמוראי שודאי כל אחד אומר שהלכה כמותו, ומאי שנא מחלוקת ב"ש וב"ה דמשמע דכאן היתה מלבד כל מחלוקתם גם מחלוקת אחרת שהללו אומרים הלכה כמותנו והללו אומרים הלכה כמותנו. והנראה לבאר הגמ', דבאמת היתה כאן מחלוקת חדשה - והיא כללית - מלבד כל פרטי דינין שנחלקו בכל התורה כולה, שב"ש אומרים הלכה כמותנו וב"ה אומרים הלכה כמותנו, כלומר שנחלקו היכא דישנו רוב ומיעוט אלא שהמיעוט הוא חריף טפי - דב"ש אזלי בתר החריפי ומשום דהחריף יכול לכוון יותר אל האמת לאמיתו, וב"ה סברי דאזלינן בתר השכל האנושי - ואף שזה אינו אמיתת האמת, אבל מכיון שלפי השכל האנושי נראה שכן הוא האמת הרי הדין כאותו הרוב. ולפ"ז נמצא דלב"ש לעולם יש להשגיח בב"ק, שהרי הב"ק בודאי הנהו האמת האמיתי, וכיון שבפלוגתא זו נפסקה ההלכה דאזלינן בתר השכל האנושי גם לדעת ב"ש, א"כ ע"כ אית לן למיפסק כדברי ב"ה בממה נפשך - דלדידהו הא לעולם הילכתא כוותייהו, ולב"ש הא לדידהו משגחינן בב"ק, ודו"ק.
ואפשר6 דלפי מושגם באמת נחלקו ג"כ בפרק האשה שנתארמלה [כתובות דף י"ז ע"א] בענין כיצד מרקדין לפני הכלה, דב"ה סברי דיאמר כלה נאה וחסודה, וב"ש ס"ל דיש בזה חשש שקר, והיינו דב"ש סברי שבשום אופן אסור לשנות מהאמת לאמיתה, ולכן אפילו אם אחד קנה מקח רע מן השוק אסור לשבחו - שהרי לפי האמת האמיתית הרי זה מקח רע, וב"ה סברי דכיון דלעולם בעינן שתהיה דעתו של אדם מעורבת עם הבריות א"כ אין זה נחשב לשקר, והיינו שצריך להתחשב עם האמת של רגשי האדם, ודו"ק היטב.
ונבין לפ"ז מה דאיתא בספרי קבלה דלעתיד לבוא תיפסק ההלכה כבית שמאי, והיינו משום דרק בעולמנו צריכים אנו להתחשב עם האמת הנראית לרוב בני אדם, אבל לעתיד לבוא שאז תתגלה האמת האמיתית בודאי תהיה ההלכה כב"ש, ודו"ק.
A man's wife is subordinate to him to the degree he is subordinate to G-d
Netziv (Bereishis
2:24): And therefore man leaves…and cleaves to his wife . from this point
on there is no advice to be his ezer knegdo as was intended by her creation and
as Adam felt that he was missing except from the aspect that he is leaving his
father and his mother cleaving to his wife and then becoming one flesh as he
loves her as if they were one person as it states in Yevamos (62b).”one who
loves his wife as himself….”And even then she is not entirely subordinate to
him as was the first woman who was literally considered as part of him. Rather
they are considered one flesh. That means that what he thinks is good for him
and desirable and she completely fulfills his wants. She should have the same attitude concerning what
she wants for herself and that he comply with her wishes. Nevertheless since
the reason that the first woman was made
to have the inherent nature to be supportive, even though women are not
exactly the same as the first woman was originally but rather as she became
after eating from the fruit from the Tree of knowledge as we will discuss later
in Bereishis (3:20) while he is amongst those created during the first 6 days
of creation. And only one who merited that achieves the love of his wife with
total abnegation as Eve was before the sin. It was because of this that there
are two types of cleaving of Adam and Eve
in order that for all time there should be two types of helping of a
wife to her husband. Therefore they
were on the sixth day of creation two modes of love of Eve to Adam in order that there should always be two
modes of love of a woman to her husband. And just as we spoke about two modes
that man has to serving G-d. All this was made on the first day that he was
created as we explained before Bereishis (2:4). And thus the nature of love of
a man’s wife and life with her husband This is similar to what R Shimon Ben Eliezer
stated in Kiddushin (82b). “I was created to serve my Maker and they were
created to serve me.”To the degree he serves G-d will be the degree That his
wife serves him or according to mazel as all other aspects of man’s life.
Either things happen as the result of Divine providence based on his deeds or by good or bad mazel
and this is the nature of the world.
What Judge Sullivan Should Do
The Justice
Department has requested that he dismiss the case against Michael Flynn.
Here are 13 questions the judge should ask of government counsel.
U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan probably has little choice but to accede to the Justice Department’s outrageous motion
that he dismiss the case against Lieutenant General Michael
Flynn—notwithstanding Flynn’s guilty plea to false-statements charges
more than two years ago. Existing law provides him little discretion in
deciding whether to let the case go. That said, he does not have to
dismiss the case without comment.
“Arguably, You Sold Your Country Out”: Could a Judge Override Barr in the Flynn Affair?
What’s telling about the government’s unprecedented motion, which Michael Bromwich, a former inspector general and longtime Department of Justice official, called “a pardon by another name,”
is that it tries really hard to rewrite history, if not ignore it
altogether. To the Justice Department, all revolves around a single
instance, four days into the new administration, when Flynn, a
sophisticated official with decades of government service, including in
the nation’s intelligence apparatus, found himself in the crosshairs of
an overreaching FBI. “The Government is not persuaded that the January
24, 2017 interview was conducted with a legitimate investigative basis
and therefore does not believe Mr. Flynn’s statements were material even
if untrue,” Timothy Shea, the loyalist Barr installed as acting U.S. attorney in Washington earlier this year, wrote.
“Moreover, we [do] not believe that the Government can prove either the
relevant false statements or their materiality beyond a reasonable
doubt.” No other career official who had been on the case signed the
filing—one of them, Brandon Van Grack, a Mueller veteran in the department’s national security division, had abruptly withdrawn from the Flynn case moments earlier on Thursday, in apparent protest of the Justice Department’s reversal.
Flynn: What Will Judge Sullivan Do?
On May 8, The New York Times headline read “U.S. Drops
Michael Flynn Case … .” I suppose that’s technically true. The article
didn’t say that the Flynn case was dismissed. Indeed, it hasn’t been.
The Justice Department clearly has no authority to dismiss a pending
criminal case—particularly after a guilty plea has been entered by the
defendant. All it can do is “ask” the court to dismiss the case. Given
who the judge is, the Justice Department can’t be too certain of the
outcome or what will happen along the way, and probably won’t be
sleeping easily while awaiting the judge’s decision.
Fact Check: Is Obama the only president to criticize a successor?
Among the hundreds of #ObamaGate retweets President Trump sent over
the weekend was a widely circulated meme with a photo of former
President Barack Obama stating, “First Ex-President To Speak Against
Successor.” Mr. Trump retweeted the meme, writing, “He got caught,
The meme had been seen on the Internet in past years. Now it’s adding fuel to the current #ObamaGate fire on Twitter.
Is Obama the only president in U.S. history to denounce his successor?
The short answer is no. There are several presidents in recent
history who have spoken out against their successors to different news
and media outlets.
Trump increases attack against Obama with ‘Obamagate’ tweet
Last week, Attorney General William Barr’s
Justice Department dismissed the case against Flynn, Trump's first
national security adviser, who was seen as the key prosecution witness
from Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump campaign.
Trump, along with other Republicans, seized on the decision and framed it as an example of a Democrat-manufactured plot to remove him from office.
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