Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A man's wife is subordinate to him to the degree he is subordinate to G-d

Netziv  (Bereishis 2:24): And therefore man leaves…and cleaves to his wife . from this point on there is no advice to be his ezer knegdo as was intended by her creation and as Adam felt that he was missing except from the aspect that he is leaving his father and his mother cleaving to his wife and then becoming one flesh as he loves her as if they were one person as it states in Yevamos (62b).”one who loves his wife as himself….”And even then she is not entirely subordinate to him as was the first woman who was literally considered as part of him. Rather they are considered one flesh. That means that what he thinks is good for him and desirable and she completely fulfills his wants. She  should have the same attitude concerning what she wants for herself and that he comply with her wishes. Nevertheless since the reason that the first woman was made  to have the inherent nature to be supportive, even though women are not exactly the same as the first woman was originally but rather as she became after eating from the fruit from the Tree of knowledge as we will discuss later in Bereishis (3:20) while he is amongst those created during the first 6 days of creation. And only one who merited that achieves the love of his wife with total abnegation as Eve was before the sin. It was because of this that there are two types of cleaving of Adam and Eve  in order that for all time there should be two types of helping of a wife to her husband. Therefore  they were on the sixth day of creation two modes of love of Eve to Adam  in order that there should always be two modes of love of a woman to her husband. And just as we spoke about two modes that man has to serving G-d. All this was made on the first day that he was created as we explained before Bereishis (2:4). And thus the nature of love of a man’s  wife and life with her husband  This is similar to what R Shimon Ben Eliezer stated in Kiddushin (82b). “I was created to serve my Maker and they were created to serve me.”To the degree he serves G-d will be the degree That his wife serves him or according to mazel as all other aspects of man’s life. Either things happen as the result of Divine providence  based on his deeds or by good or bad mazel and this is the nature of the world.

1 comment :

  1. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 12, 2020 at 6:04 PM

    Mazal _ could it be a sin from a previous generation, visited on a 3rd or 4th generation?


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