Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Hunter’s Trial Reveals Trump’s Big Lie About Biden and Justice


But let’s assume for a minute that Biden is the evil puppet master—not just in terms of telling his attorney general whom to target in federal cases, but also in terms of pulling the strings in states like New York and Georgia.

If Biden had that kind of power, wouldn’t he have already made this pesky case against Hunter Biden disappear?

Surely a president powerful and corrupt enough to summon the full weight of the judicial system against a former president could find a way to avoid the messiness of seeing his son raked through the proverbial coals.


  1. How stupid. Next you'll ask "If the Soviets were really demagogues, why did they put dissidents on trial? Why not just make them disappear?"
    Biden's people know very well that a sudden dropping of all charges will expose the corruption in the system so much that even most allies will abandon him. So we have a reverse-show trial to present the image of judicial impartiality - look, even the President' son isn't above the law! - while eventually providing a foregone conclusion - he's innocent, of course.

    1. Wow a raw conspiracy theory!
      He is so evil that he not only wants to destroy that epitome of innocence Trump but he even is willing to sacrifice his son to get his opponents

    2. I'm not into the whole conspiracy theory, I don't think Biden is pulling the strings but I do believe there is a nefarious well-funded think tank out there with a lot of influence. Either way I don't understand why DT considers it a sacrifice for Biden to put his son on a Mock trial.

    3. Exactly. To keep the masses mollified, a show of justice must be made.

    4. If jean Carrol can win 86 billion on a charge from decades ago, how can I have any respect for the justice system?

    5. You claim that all crimes are null and void after time has passed?
      Eichman should have gotten away with his crimes?!
      Bank robbers should be free of prosecution if they can avoid arrest for how many decades?
      Or maybe your riles only apply to sexual abuse rape and pedophilia?!

    6. https://daattorah.blogspot.com/2012/12/is-there-statute-of-limitation-on.html

    7. No statute of limitations. Here's the mockery - known serial rapist Bill Clinton walking around and being honoured by feminists everywhere while Trump...

    8. Typical "what about" deflection.
      Is Trump a rapist? No one says he is the only one


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