Thursday, June 6, 2024

Canada is no longer the safe haven it promised to Jews

Twenty-five years ago, my parents immigrated to Canada from Israel. Throughout our childhood, my sister and I would ask them why they moved when they spoke of their homeland with such love and longing. When we grew older and became familiar with Israel ourselves, we asked them again why they moved, why they left such a beautiful, lively country for clinical Canada. Each time we asked, our parents gave us the same answer: Life is easier here and we wanted you girls to be safe.

This is not the life my parents envisioned for my sister and I. This is not the Canada we were promised, nor the Canada that continues to be promised to others. The hatred is here, and we cannot pretend otherwise. Today, it is Jews or, as they say, “Zionists,” but tomorrow it may be someone else. 


  1. Canada has changed dramatically in the last ten years as a result of the policies of the current Woke Liberal government. The prime minister is a man-child completely unqualified for the job. Almost his entire cabinet is composed of unqualified ministers who were picked for their ethnicities, gender and wilingness to worship him. As a result we have a disfunctional government unable to implement any programs other than those that distribute money to potential voting blocs. Racism and anti-Semitism shoot upwards but because Muslims are the main culprits, nothing is done for fear of "Islamophobia." The country is flooded with immigrants and refugees but a lack of housing means they live on the streets or in lousy domiciles. And the economy is sputtering and everything is more expensive. This is now a failing country.

    1. How did Islamophobia become such a thing

    2. Amongst the woke, there is a totem pole of Designated Victim Groups (DVG). The higher up the poll, the more you can claim moral immunity and do whatever you want.
      Muslim community leaders and activists have worked hard since 9/11 to create the impression that the Muslim community in North America is the most persecuted and victimized minority there is. And since we abhor racism, the commuity that suffers the most from it gets the greatest moral pass.
      So a Muslim can shoot up a gay bar, kill dozens and people refuse to mention his religion or claim it has nothing to do with it even if he shouted "I kill you in the name of Islam" during his rampage.
      It means any criticism of Muslims or their claims is Islamophobia. And holding them to account for their crimes ruins the narrative that they're these helpless victims so they aren't.


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