Saturday, March 7, 2020

urgent to organize Tefillos in NY,NJ


10 Adar, 5780

Esteemed Rabbonim, Leaders, etc.

Sholom U'vrochoh,

As we know, Corona has arrived in NYC and Bergen County, NJ. Additionally, today, it was announced that Corona has arrived in Rockland County, NY. 

I humbly suggest that it's urgent to organize Teffillos in NY and NJ (see attached). I humbly add that it's even more crucial to find speakers who will not be reluctant to identify, without fear, some major problems truly needing rectification, rather than remaining politically correct. In regular times, the most important things often remain unstated publicly. These aren't regular times, and our conduct needs to reflect that.

It's important to emphasize that there are many examples of important issues to address in this context of Teshuva. 

For some thoughts, perhaps this article may be useful:

One example of a neglected but burning issue, one with which I happen to be familiar, is the Israeli government's persecution of females who refuse to succumb to the draft. One cannot miss the Mida Keneged Mida of the painful wave of mass quarantines, in the wake of our communal silence over the ruthless arrests, imprisonment, and, in particular, their brutal solitary confinement, in addition to other forms of antireligious persecution. This is all part of a policy, perperpetrated by the Israeli government against innocent girls and women refusing to be drafted, with the aim of terrorising others into submission to the military draft. These women - even those of them who made mistakes (e.g. lateness in paperwork) - are being persecuted over their resolve to preserve their purity, and, in many cases, their fidelity to the Torah prohibition against enlistment in the notoriously immoral military. Overall, we communally didn't heed their cries, heretofore. 

There may have been excuses for some people, who were honestly kept in the dark. But after a year of reportage on many specific Refuseniks, in Zionist forums like the Jewish Press and the Coalition for Jewish Values*, is it not a bit risky to expect that those excuses will work, at this juncture, to save one from escalating Midas HaDin?

There is still time to change course.

Again, there are other issues of similarly monumental importance. I raise this as one of many.

Gooe Shabbos, and a darhoibeneh Taanis Ester, and a freilichen and safe Purim.

Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter


* e.g.:

Delaying The Final Redemption -- One Girl At A Time:

(first posted Fri, Feb 14)

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