Thursday, January 6, 2022

Chief Rabbi’s secret mission for mother in twins custody battle's-secret-mission-for-mother-in-twins-custody-battle-2ldgLDbeBCSiLqYuHhOZIE

The Chief Rabbi secretly flew to Austria in an unprecedented mercy mission help a British mother at the centre of a decade-long custody battle, the JC can reveal.

Moved by the plight of Cambridge graduate Beth Alexander, 37, who has seen her 12-year-old twin sons just once in person in the past five years, Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis led an unpublicised delegation to Vienna to directly appeal to her former husband and local Jewish leaders.

Desperate to try to effect change on her behalf, the Chief Rabbi vowed that if what it took was him getting on a plane and going in person, he would do so.

Her message to her sons is this: “Mama loves you so, so much, I’ll never stop fighting for you. I’m waiting to bring you home.”

Meretz minister: 'Settlers in Homesh are subhuman'

Deputy Economy Minister Yair Golan (Meretz) on Thursday morning said that the "settlers" in the Jewish town of Homesh are "subhuman."

In an interview with the Knesset Channel, Golan claimed, "People who come and settle a place which was evacuated under the law, and where no one should be, and when I was commander of the Judea and Samaria Brigade I did not allow anyone to settle there. Now they cry their cries, 'Oy vey, how can this be conceivable? This is shameful and an embarrassment.' Those same people who come to settle there riot in Kafr Burqa, smash headstones, and make pogroms."

"These are not people - they are subhuman. These are despicable people and the most rotten part of the Jewish nation. We must not provide them with any backing, and we must forcefully remove them from this place and bring back law and order to the area. This nationalist insanity will bring disaster upon us."

In a tweet, Golan wrote, "In my words, I referred to those who destroy graves, attack innocent people, destroy property which is not theirs. How should we be treating these people? How should we be referring to these people? It's time to speak the truth: This is not our Judaism."

Migdal Emunah

4. Migdal Emunah is made up of professionals. Most of our clients have had no previסus support or counselling for their trauma. Our inquiries are from victims' family members or their friends, professionals and lay leaders with concerns or difficulties in handling disclosures. It is our experience that there is great need fסr services to bסth groups.
Our relationship with religious organisations and settings

13. Migdal Emunah provides services exclusively for those from the Jewish community. A significant percentage of our clients self identify as 'chareidi' or 'ex-chareidi'. The majסrity are affiliated with the Orthodox Jewish community (of which the chareidi community is a subsection) and its various religious institutions. A significant number of our clients have been sexually abused during religious sleep away camps, at boarding schools, סח synagogue premises, and in rabbis' homes. The majority of our clients will have reported their abuse to their Rabbi and/or Beth Din (religious court). 

40. ln the minority, Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman, currently Rabbi of Gateshead community and shortly to assume a new positiסn as head of the Federation Beth Din, has advised that a 'rodef' (lit 'pursuer', i.e., someone who presents a current risk) - and there will be different opinions as to who fits that description - must be reported to the police without delay, but he has stopped short of issuing a formal ruling saying this. 

Rabbinical court rules divorced dad can vaccinate kids despite mom’s objection

A rabbinical court has ruled that a divorced father may vaccinate his young twins against the coronavirus despite the objections of their mother, it was reported on Wednesday.

“It was clear to me that I wanted to vaccinate the children — for health and also so they don’t infect those around them,” 6, a father of six-year-old twins, told Channel 13 news.

Guy, whose identity was obscured, also said that it was hard for children so young to wear masks all the time, indicating that without vaccination they could be more likely to catch the coronavirus or pass it on.

Israel Reports First Case of ‘Flurona’

Israel has documented its first case of the so-called “flurona” — a simultaneous coronavirus and influenza virus infection, Yediot reported on Thursday.

The double infection was first identified in a woman this week at Rabin Medical Center (Ichilov) in Petach Tikva. According to the hospital, the new mother, who is not vaccinated against either pathogen, is feeling well and is expected to be discharged from the hospital later Thursday.

The Health Ministry is still examining the case, which was relatively mild, and has yet to determine whether a combination of the two viruses causes more severe illness.

Health officials estimate many other patients have also come down with both bugs but have not been diagnosed.

Outrage as Israel’s Political Elite Test Positive for COVID After Lavish New Year’s Eve Rave

The most visible official whose flouting of the rules was disclosed by Instagram—in this case the account of his own husband, pop star Harel Skaat—is Deputy Foreign Minister Idan Roll.

Roll, 37, a former model and a centrist liberal, and one of the most prominent gay public figures in the country, and Litzman, 73, a stern ultra-orthodox Jew and uncompromising champion of right-wing causes, have little in common but for the fact of finding themselves in hot water after flouting COVID-19 guidelines.

Roll and Skaat have both been found positive for corona after the New Year’s Eve bash in a Caesarea club, in which Roll was filmed languidly dancing as Skaat crooned at the crowd from onstage—with nary a face mask in sight.

Ghislaine Maxwell to seek new trial after juror's sexual abuse claim -lawyer

Ghislaine Maxwell, who was convicted last week of aiding Jeffrey Epstein's sexual abuses, deserves a new trial, her lawyer said on Wednesday after a juror told media including Reuters that he had been a victim of sexual abuse.

Nathan's decision on whether a new trial is warranted could hinge on how the juror responded to questions during jury selection about his experiences with sexual abuse, which legal experts said was a key question that defense lawyers were looking at to weed out potentially biased jurors.
The juror, who asked to be identified by his first and middle names, Scotty David, told Reuters on Tuesday evening that during deliberations, after some jurors expressed skepticism about the accounts of two of Maxwell's accusers, he shared his experience of having been sexually abused as a child.

"When I shared that, they were able to sort of come around on, they were able to come around on the memory aspect of the sexual abuse," Scotty David, a 35-year-old Manhattan resident, said, referring to other jurors.

Tucker Carlson: Democrats fixation on Jan. 6 reveals their midterm strategy

Let’s be honest, everyone who’s conservative appreciates Ted Cruz. You may not like him, but you’ve got to appreciate him. He’s legitimately smart, and he’s one of the more articulate people to serve in Congress, maybe the most articulate. He doesn’t use a single word by accident. Every word Ted Cruz uses is used intentionally, he’s a lawyer.

He described Jan. 6 as a violent terrorist attack. Of all the things Jan. 6 was, it was definitely not a violent terrorist attack. It wasn’t an insurrection. Was it a riot? Sure. It wasn’t a violent terrorist attack. Sorry. So why are you telling us it was, Ted Cruz? And why are none of your Republican friends who are supposed to be representing us and all of the people who were arrested during this purge saying anything?

What the hell is going on here? You’re making us think the Republican Party is as useless as we suspected it was. That can’t be true. Reassure us, please, Ted Cruz

Tucker: Maybe the Republican party is as worthless as we suspected it was

Tucker Carlson slams Ted Cruz for repeating leftist talking points about January 6.

For the Jan. 6 Rioters, Justice Is Still Coming

What the American justice system has found to be a riot, GOP lawmakers, conservative media and right-wing activists cast as a legitimate protest that just got out of hand. By and large, they recall the day as an exuberant, even lighthearted, exercise in self–expression: the smiling grandmothers in red Trump hats posing for photos in the chaos; the Texas man drinking- a beer who bragged, “I don’t always storm the -Capitol of the United States of America, but when I do, I prefer Coors Light.”


The allowance to kill the rodef does not apply, however, in a case where lesser means would prevent the innocent's murder.[2] Furthermore, according to the Rambam, killing a rodef who may have been stopped by lesser means constitutes murder, though the punishment for a murderer in this case is not dealt out by beit din.[3]

Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Timeline: From Trump's First Tweet, Speech to Biden's Certification

Thursday marks the one-year anniversary of the Capitol riot, in which a mob of supporters of Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol building following a rally in which the then-president baselessly alleged fraud in the 2020 election. The attack resulted in five deaths and charges against more than 700 people, and it prompted Trump's historic second impeachment and the largest prosecutorial undertaking in America's history.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Police should not disclose details about investigation of cases, accused or victim to media till completion of probe: Karnataka High Court

The Karnataka High Court on Tuesday directed the State government to ensure that Police officers do not disclose details regarding investigation of cases, accused or the victim to media till the conclusion of such investigation

Line of Dissent: Should a Bais Din Disclose That Its Verdict Wasn’t Unanimous?

 And from where is it derived that when the judge leaves the courtroom he may not say, “I deemed you exempt and my colleagues deemed you liable, but what can I do, as my colleagues outnumbered me and consequently you were deemed liable?” About this it is stated: “You shall not go as a talebearer among your people” (Vayikra 19:16), and it says: “One who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets, but one who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter” (Mishlei 11:13).[2]