Thursday, January 6, 2022

Meretz minister: 'Settlers in Homesh are subhuman'

Deputy Economy Minister Yair Golan (Meretz) on Thursday morning said that the "settlers" in the Jewish town of Homesh are "subhuman."

In an interview with the Knesset Channel, Golan claimed, "People who come and settle a place which was evacuated under the law, and where no one should be, and when I was commander of the Judea and Samaria Brigade I did not allow anyone to settle there. Now they cry their cries, 'Oy vey, how can this be conceivable? This is shameful and an embarrassment.' Those same people who come to settle there riot in Kafr Burqa, smash headstones, and make pogroms."

"These are not people - they are subhuman. These are despicable people and the most rotten part of the Jewish nation. We must not provide them with any backing, and we must forcefully remove them from this place and bring back law and order to the area. This nationalist insanity will bring disaster upon us."

In a tweet, Golan wrote, "In my words, I referred to those who destroy graves, attack innocent people, destroy property which is not theirs. How should we be treating these people? How should we be referring to these people? It's time to speak the truth: This is not our Judaism."

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