Thursday, January 6, 2022

Migdal Emunah

4. Migdal Emunah is made up of professionals. Most of our clients have had no previסus support or counselling for their trauma. Our inquiries are from victims' family members or their friends, professionals and lay leaders with concerns or difficulties in handling disclosures. It is our experience that there is great need fסr services to bסth groups.
Our relationship with religious organisations and settings

13. Migdal Emunah provides services exclusively for those from the Jewish community. A significant percentage of our clients self identify as 'chareidi' or 'ex-chareidi'. The majסrity are affiliated with the Orthodox Jewish community (of which the chareidi community is a subsection) and its various religious institutions. A significant number of our clients have been sexually abused during religious sleep away camps, at boarding schools, סח synagogue premises, and in rabbis' homes. The majority of our clients will have reported their abuse to their Rabbi and/or Beth Din (religious court). 

40. ln the minority, Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman, currently Rabbi of Gateshead community and shortly to assume a new positiסn as head of the Federation Beth Din, has advised that a 'rodef' (lit 'pursuer', i.e., someone who presents a current risk) - and there will be different opinions as to who fits that description - must be reported to the police without delay, but he has stopped short of issuing a formal ruling saying this. 

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