Monday, January 3, 2022

How the daycare child abuse hysteria of the 1980s became a witch hunt

“We believe the children” became both the unofficial motto of advocates for the prosecution and a catch-all response to those few who asked whether the accusers had completely lost their minds. The approach was based largely on the work of psychiatrist Roland Summit, who claimed that, of every 1,000 children who say they were sexually abused, only two or three are guilty of inventing or exaggerating. He also said it was normal for children who had been sexually abused to retract their claims and say they made it all up. The upshot: No matter what children said, they were sexually abused, and if you didn’t believe them, something was wrong with you.

 Yet “believing the children” glossed over the fact that, often, adults believed only what they wanted to hear. In the McMartin case, the social workers who interviewed children not only considered Summit’s theory as gospel but interrogated (not too strong a word) the children repeatedly, becoming more bullying with each session. When one child denied seeing a game called “Naked Movie Star” played at his preschool, the therapist replied: “Well, what good are you? You must be dumb.”

How the ‘Witch Hunt’ Myth Undermined American Justice 

 In 1993, a young man dying of AIDS gave a tearful interview on CNN after filing a lawsuit alleging that Chicago Cardinal Joseph Bernardin had sexually abused him many years before. Bernardin defended himself eloquently at a press conference. Several months later, when reporters unearthed information about plaintiff Steven Cook that cast doubt on his veracity, he withdrew the suit, saying he could not trust his memory.

Newsrooms turned on a dime. Time’s cover pictured Freud as a disassembling picture puzzle. National coverage shifted from a focus on bishops concealing predators to “false memory,” hysteria fueled by the suggestibility of young victims, faulty investigators, quack therapists, and a court system hard-pressed to safeguard presumption of innocence.


Wishful thinking - never happened!

 1 Shevat 5766 11 January 2016

Mr. Adrian Alexander 
Dear Mr. Alexander,
I write in response to your letter of December 28, 2015. Please be assured that we understand your concern regarding the need for the Schlesinger twins (your nephews) to have a meaningful interaction with their mother, Beth Alexander.Indeed, the Torah perspective places great emphasis on the role of a Jewish mother in nurturing and educating her children, especially so when the children are of a young age and are in need of the special attention and care that only a mother can provide.

Rabbi Krinsky has discussed this matter with Rabbi Biderman and strongly encouraged him to help facilitate the involvement of Beth with her children's educational development at the Chabad school in Vienna, to the extent that it is permissible by law and provided that there is not a clear determination by professionals that to do so would be detrimental to the children's wellbeing. Rabbi Biderman assured Rabbi Krinsky that he has done so and will continue to do so. lt is ultimately up to Rabbi Biderman to make a determination as how to best address this issue consistent with the facts סח the ground.

lt is our fervent hope that all the involved parties recognize that the best interest of the Schlesinger twins is what is of paramount concern, and that all efforts be made to assure that the relevant issues which are being decided are being made with that thought in mind.

On Behalf of the Merkos Board of Trustees/Directors 


Why does Austria think it is important to remove children from their mother?

 Perhaps the most bizarre and perverse aspect of the Schlessinger twins case is denying access of the mother to her children

Most would agree that children need both parents. 

It is only in extreme cases where the mother is a danger to them that she should be removed

In this case she initially had custody after the father attempted to fraudulently have his wife committed to a mental hospital, The court bizarrely then reversed this and gave sole custody to the father who used two  non-Jewish maids to raise them while he worked

The obvious approach if there had been psychological issues - and two psychological exams indicated there weren't - would be to have a psychologist mediate

In fact all evidence indicates problems with the father - who was never given a psychological exam - despite a history of abusive behavior and anger management issues 

This fits the pattern of parent alienation syndrome - where one parent alienates the children from the other parent. Again the preferred approach is psychological mediation - not blocking access to the children

5 Ways Judaism Honors Mothers

 Mothers as Partners with God

In Jewish thought, motherhood isn’t only raising a child; it’s being partners with the Divine. The Talmud teaches that “there are three partners in (creating) a man: the Holy One, blessed be He, his father and his mother” (Niddah 31a). (The Talmud specifies that this includes adoptive parents too, not only biological parents.) The moment of giving birth is compared to the creation of the world: both are awesome miracles and times of intense holiness.

G-d doesn't speak directly to women

 Bereishis Rabbah (20:6) UNTO THE WOMAN HE SAID: I WILL GREATLY MULTIPLY THY PAlN AND THY TRAVAIL, etc. (III, 16). R. Judah b. R. Simon and R. Johanan in the name of R. Eleazar b. R. Simon said: The Holy One, blessed be He, never spoke directly with a woman save with Sarah, and that too was due to a particular cause. R. Abba b. Kahana said in R. Biryi's name: And what a roundabout way He went in order to speak with her! As it is written,And He said: Nay; but thou didst laugh (Gen. XVIII, 15). But it is written, And Hagar called the name of the Lord that spoke unto her, etc. (ib. XVl, 13)? R. Joshua b. Nehemiah answered in R. Idi's name: That was through an angel. But it is written, And the Lord said unto her-Rebekah (ib. XXV, 23)? R. Levi said in the name of R. Hama b. R. Hanina: That was through an angel. R. Eleazar said in the name of R. Jose b. Zimra: That was through the medium of Shem [the son of Noah].

Satanic child abuse - Is there a ring of such pedophiles operating in Sanhedria Murchevet?

 update:Added an ocr'ed version of Rav Berkowitz talk The Hebrew phrases were not converted properly but it is still understandable . - it is for those who are not able to read the Scribd version

 A few years ago Jerusalem was shocked to hear allegations of a ring of Satanic pedophiles in Nachlaot. This allegedly involved missionaries and secret tunnels and hundreds of victims. At this stage is is not clear what actually happened because of the mass hysteria which led to behavior which messed up a reasonable possibility of a proper police investigation. Parents were interrogating their children with very direct questions - which we know is not the way to get at the truth. There were people accused, there are people who went to jail and there are many children who have been given treatment. But again - it is not clear what actually happened.

A similar situation apparently has occurred in Sanhedria Murchevet. Apparently most of the response to the allegation is the direct result of the leadership of Rav Yitzchok Berkovitz. Unfortunately just as with Nachlaot  there is not much evidence to verify there is in fact a ring of of child abusers.  The police have been informed - but they also don't see any clear evidence. Rav Berkovitz kept the news of these allegations from the public in the hope of being able to identify who the perpetrators are. He hired a private detective. My sources indicate that nothing of significance has come from this paternalistic approach. I was told that it was only due to the clear failure of the secret approach that Rav Berkovitz made the information public several weeks ago. 

I find it astounding that if in fact there is a ring or even the suspicion of such a ring - that parents should not have been informed about it and the community given a chance to take protective measures.

  These are the recordings of the public revelation that there are allegations of a pedophile ring in Sanhedria Murchevet- the first is Rav Berkovitz and the second is a psychologist - Dr. Nitai Melamed.

Rav Yitzchok Berkovitz

update  March 12, 2015
 it was just brought to my attention that "Dr Nitai Melamed the psychologist" is not a doctor nor a psychologist.He is a psychodrama therapist. I just deleted the incorrect titles
. Nitai Melamed

Update - the story appeared recently on Kikar HaShabbat

update included the transcript   Rabbi Yitzchok Berkovitz (transcript)

Rav Berkowitz speaks about SRA (Sadistic Ritual Abuse a.k.a Satanic Ritual Abuse)
I'm not here tonight DlJlJT.l Knesses Yehuda - I have not come to defend the cheder. I'm here cause I'm worried. For some two years, along with a small group of people, I've been walking around with the burden of a very painful, dangerous and difficult situation in Yerushalayim. One of our greatest fears was that this would one day get out, before being solved - create panic, pandemonium - to the point that we are going to end up doing more damage, to ourselves and our children, than the O' a·v~.n, the perpetrators can possibly do. It seems that at this point this is the direction things are taking .... I'll do whatever I can tonight to try to share with you what is and what isn't going on. 
IY.lN. N.'7 DN. •'7 IX 1nx ax •'7 'IN. - 'N.JT p. pru: p.1 1r.iN. 0'71J '711. At this point, I'm dealing with something quite explosive. I'm very much afraid to tell you what I'm going to tell you tonight. At the same time, it seems that if I don't, things are going to be far worse. I've discussed some of these things with select people, sometimes of groups of people, when absolutely necessary, with the hope that it wouldn't go further. At this point in time, I have no choice other than speak in public. 
There's nothing dearer to us - to Yidden - there's nothing dearer to us than our own children. Their gashmius, their ruchniyus. When we feel that our children are threatened, we become - of course, l'havdil - we become like a bear, who thinks that its offspring are being threatened. All of our instincts take over, to the point that we're dangerous, to the point that we're frantic and don't know what we're doing, to the point that we don't think straight, to the point that we hurt ourselves and, once again, even our children - and everyone around us. 
I'm appealing tonight to all of you - baruch hashem, the angle community here in yerushalayim, we take pride in the fact that we are a mature, highly intelligent group of people - men and women. I'm appealing to your sense of reason - please, please, allow your seichel hayashar to hear, to process and to think, and overcome the instinctive hysteria, that once again is causing so much damage to everyone involved, and, cholila, has the potential to spread throughout Yerushalayim, and Hashem knows, chas v'shalom, can happen here. If all of Yerushalayim goes into hysteria ... And it's not just us, it's going to reach the locals, and we have kano'im among us, and it has happened before ... in the present atmosphere - where everyone becomes a suspect - I'm sure people are going to get beaten, cholila someone can die! We have to come back to using our seichel, we have to calm down - despite the fact that we're talking about our children, and we're talking about something very serious. So I'm appealing to your seichel hayashar. 
Listen, I'm not going to keep secrets, I'm going to give you the gory details - but I'm also going to tell you what's not going on, I'd also like you to understand the proportions, I'd also like you to understand what can and cannot be done, what should be done, and what should not be done. 
At the end of ;i."vl!m 1011, I received a phone call, a phone call from one of the yungerleit in the neighborhood, a member of the ·kehilla, someone whose family I know very well, I know every one of the children. He tells me, his daughter seems like she's trying to say something, his daughter sounds like someone hurt her, but he doesn't quite understand. I recommended that the daughter be brought to a woman I know that specializes in molestation, works primarily in chutz la'aretz, but happens to be here a good part of the year- I sent her there. 
After a session that lasted hours, I get a phone call from this therapist, and she says -I took out the teddy bears, and this girl described to me an act of oines, nothing less, with all the details - to the very end, including how they cleaned her up, and what hurt and when. In the conversation, what also emerged was that this happened many times. 
Obviously, I was shaken. I immediately phoned Mrs. Coopersmith from the children's unit at Neve, someone I always consulted with in issues of child psychology. I said I understand this is something that cannot go unreported - what do I do? She said, you've got to go the TI'i1 m;ti1'1 D1Yl, a place that was set up for interrogating children, rather than the police station .... social worker's there, a police representative. Something that's supposed to be a little more user-friendly for the kid. The girl was traumatized by the initial session with the therapist. The parents were even more traumatized. It took a lot of convincing - they went. The girl was once again traumatized - and said nothing. She wouldn't say anything. So I was informed, there's not much that can be done, because the girl isn't talking. 
At home, she continued to talk, and she started mentioning names of friends who were there at the same time and shared the experience. We contacted the parents. I urged them to bring their kids to the 1'1•11 mm'7 n1YJ as well. It wasn't easy. It's not something that parents feel like doing. They went, three girls went all together - no one said a word - even though one of them said she was eager to talk to someone. Apparently, the atmosphere is not especially user friendly for chareidi kids, and the question is altogether how much they're in tune with children, with young children, and especially those who have experienced something traumatic, and are not so open to talking. They claim that they're limited by the rules, the laws. In order for a child's testimony to be accepted in court, they have to ask the parents to leave. Without the parents there, to speak in front of strangers, especially a kid who is now afraid of strangers because of what was done to her, to expect her to talk, it's a bit far-fetched. So they were traumatized needlessly a second time - didn't say a word. 
What do you do? - there's nothing you can do with the police. I hired a private investigator. Not a top-notch one, I was doing this on my own - they're very expensive. So first, he brought into the neighborhood "mashkifim", people standing around with binoculars looking to see what's doing. I was getting phone calls from all over the place, there are some different looking people around the neighborhood with binoculars, should we call the police? Called the investigator-you don't understand, that's not going to work here. 
So next, he put these hidden cameras around the neighborhood, today you can get a camera the size of a button or smaller, he put them on rocks in different places. Lots to watch, nothing that would shed light on what happened. 
So he moved on, he said that he was going to do intelligence work. You know, Sanhedria Murchevet is full of machsanim, people make a little extra money, they have a room, in some of these machsanim you have single people living, they are the first suspects, let's find out who they are and do a police check on them. 
He gets back to me - I've got your guy. Yeah, there's someone there with a police record, he was accused by his 9-year old daughter of molestation, he lives in a building just where these people live, he's your guy. He does some more work - he got onto the guys computer, expecting to find shmutz, instead he found something far worse. This was an avreich, and he had shticklech torah of why it was all mutter. l'lJ:l lJ:rm [nuo ,'.:t rue nruns » it's nothing. rruan '•1J9 - eh, the Rambam's shitta, he's wrong, rov rishonim don't hold that way. And he left off at the end, if I'm mistaken, then it's a ta'us in halacha, but it's not yetzer hara. 
We've got our guy! I run to the police, with the report from the therapist, the disc of what's on this guy's computer, I checked first with the 1'71i1 m.:til'7 TJiY.l, spoke to a n•11:1.1n, the police woman there, she got in touch with a 1j71n at the police, they were waiting for me, I came there, testified for a long time, pages and pages and pages ... they take a look at the report - one minute, this woman isn't licences to practice in Israel, it's disqualified. The CD - that was obtained illegaly, that doesn't count. We feel very bad, but there's not much we can really do for you. 
I realized that wasn't going to work. I got in touch with one of the askonim in narrun 'rrrruo, Yosef Shoruk, a good man to know, and he brought to the house the person in charge of intelligence, for the police, but their intelligence unit, for the whole, not just the neighborhood, but the whole area. He comes to the house, hears the story, he said he'll check into it, worked quick, within days the man was out of the neighborhood. I asked him, where is he, I mean, what neighborhood did you send him to. He said, he sent him to family, he thinks he's safe. We thought all was fine and dandy. We got the guy, it would have been nice to see him in prison, but at least he's out of the neighborhood, the place is safe, nothing to talk about. 
Now, this girl was traumatized by the first therapist. We realized that we needed something a little gentler for her. A person that was contacted was someone, a world class trauma specialist, Dr. Dani Kahn, who happens to often work with one of the speech therapists in the neighborhood, who happened to be working with this girl as well, and he suggested that since this girl has a relationship with her, let the speech therapist work with her, he will tell her how you do such therapy, he'll supervise it, he'll be there for many of the sessions, he wants it all videoed and he's going to view the videos as well, just in order to establish the right kind of climate for a kid who has undergone such trauma, to get some healthy therapy. And that's what happened, and in play therapy we start hearing a whole different story. Perhaps it was good that we got this, this character out of the neighborhood, but it sounds like, that's not what happened. 
The girl starts talking, slowly, in the language of a little girl, she was talking about how she was taken, taken out of the neighborhood, some of the time she was here, some of the time she was taken out of the neighborhood. Now, it's very difficult to really know exactly what you accept for little kids and what not. When you're dealing with young children, I mean, you know your kids. They're so sweet, and they talk so much narishkeit. It's very difficult to be able to sift out what's for real, what's real, what's accurate, and what's not. What's stam, what's fantasy. Part of what she told was, that she was given things to drink ... at one point, in one of her therapy sessions, she actually showed up, and the therapist said - this girl is drugged. The mother confirmed that night, that she found a needle mark on her. Apparently, part of whatever was done to her, involved drugging her first. 
But she talked about a lot of kids together, things being done to them of the same sort. Now, although we question the reliability of little kids, when a young child starts describing things that she clearly knows nothing about other than by the fact that she experienced it, something she never heard about in school and never heard about at home, and at that age, you don't have the wise aleck that knows everything, we're talking about little kids! - there are things that she described that she had to have experienced, and we accept that 100%. 
But then she said, she's scared to talk, because they took a cat and slaughtered it in front of her and told her they'd do the same to her if she tells her parents. And she was taken to a fire, and brought closer and closer until it really hurt, and told that if she tells, then she's going to get thrown into that fire. 
And she told of this happening many times. Where? That's where there's a lot of confusion. At one point, she was talking about this big building with lots of steps, colored windows. She talked of being taken to a pool. This sounded very much like stories that we had heard from Nachla'ot. Honestly, I was given a lot of literature about what happened in nachla'ot. I read through it, and decided that this is surreal, no level-headed human being can believe it, and it's therefore untrue. I was unwilling to deal with it. The problem was that when we started hearing these stories, it sounded identical, it sounded exactly like what the kids in nachla'ot testified to. 
With time, this girl wasn't alone, more girls spoke, and we realized there was a real problem with girls of the ganim in the neighborhood. It did not seem that things were happening in gan, it sounded much like it was a matter of on the way home. And we checked. It seems that the girls were coming home together, a bunch of little girls, no adults. How long did it take them to come home? How long does it take kids to come home from gan? There are so many interesting things on the way. It never occurred to the parents if it takes an hour to get home within the neighborhood, that's something to worry about. 
My wife went out a couple of days when kids come home from gan, pretty much at the center of the neighborhood. You know, we have Tzafon, shiras devora, a bunch of ganim, there are hundreds of girls out on the street at the same time - my wife said she was the only adult there. We realized that parents had to be made aware of the fact that the streets are not safe, and you got to protect your children.
I consulted with the professionals that I know, that I had experience working with, some knew people I got to know, I asked for names ... to get to speak to the parents. It wasn't an easy thing, we had to get someone who on the one hand, would be respected by people as sharing our hashkafa, at least to a certain extent, it's got to be a professional, it's got to be someone who will tell it like it is, on the one hand, without causing panic. 
We organized an evening for the women in Sanhedria Murchevet, we brought in Dr. Aviva Shechter. Many parents took it to heart and stopped allowing their kids to go to school alone. It seemed that many of the kids had learning disabilities and that they were targets. 
Well, it didn't stop there. We started finding out that Sanhedria Murchevet is not the only neighborhood where this is happening. We found out that this was going on in Givat Shaul, in Romema, in Neve Ya'akov. Same kinds of stories. We then found that in many of these neighborhoods, among the kids that were speaking up, there were many who were in chinuch meyuchad, in special ed. Once again, it sounds like these are prime targets. It became clear that this was not happening in the actual ganim of chinuch meyuchad. There were too many people around, and these were trustworthy people. What we did find out was that the lriya, the municipality, provides, they have a private company that provides transportation. The drivers are chiloni, and so is the melave - which is also very interesting, there's a melave for a tender full of girls. In other words - two frei men, on a tender full of girls. Often, they changed tenders in the middle of the way. And, there were many reports of kids coming back an hour late, and always some feeble excuse - of traffic, got stuck, got lost, a new driver. It seemed that this was happening quite regularly. The Sulam system filed many reports, with nnnn n)l!.l'7, the different nD1u'7 throughout Yerushalayim. Sulam has several ganim in Yerushalayim and there were reports coming from all over. We tried passing the word around - you don't use the municipal transportation for special ed, they are unsafe. 
All right, so there's the ganim, there was special ed, and then, we started getting stories from boys in the chadorim. Primarily little boys, young boys, the same kind of thing, some described things happening on the tender, some described being taken out of the cheder. Once again, we are talking about not only Sanhedria Murchevet, not only Knesses Yehuda - in fact, the vast majority of the stories around, the vast majority of the boys that have spoken up, are not from knesses Yehuda. 
Now, here again, there's a lot we know, and there's even more we don't know. You're talking about children. A 3 Y, year old tells you he was taken up to the second floor in building 138, to an apartment whose interior was all blue, with blue chairs, and there were animals running around. What do you do with that? Walk around 138, neither kenisa on the second floor has an apartment that's all blue. What do you accept, what do you not accept? And not only are we dealing very often with 3 Y, year olds, but they all seem to be saying that they were given something to drink, or there are needle marks. 
By the way, I was consulted by kupat cholim here, the local kupa, they said that they had to report, they had to report a kid that came in with a needle mark, they wanted to know, like, do the Rabbonim approve of reporting - if they're not going to report they're going to close down the kupa. I said report! Report, get the police involved! Let's see if they can do something. We're getting nowhere with them. Every single parent that was sent to the police, a month later, gets a letter, nl'lf") IOlnYl l:lOJ j7'ni1. The kids are not talking, they don't talk at the police. What goes on at the therapists, doesn't matter to them, it's called eidut mezuhemet - for all you know, the therapist told them what to say. And there are people around Yerushalayim that claim that the therapists made this whole thing up. A therapist with a lot of imagination is getting the kids to say these things. I have one problem with accepting that theory - too many kids have told their parents the whole story before they got to a therapist. 
When I say the whole story, so I'm going to go back and fill in some details now. It seems like there's a cult operating throughout Yerushalayim. This is nothing less than a cult. We're not dealing with pedophiles here. We're dealing with a sadistic cult. Their exact agenda is difficult to know - baruch hashem, our minds don't work that way. 
What we have figured out are several things: 
Number one: their first concern is to protect themselves. They therefore choose very young kids, and if possible, kids that seem insecure, kids with learning disabilities, children who even if they do speak up, people will probably not take too seriously. They are also easier to manipulate. Second, of course, they scare them to death. They threaten to kill them - and their parents. Third, and this is what's most frightening, they use all sorts of technology, and systems, for compartmentalizing their brain, so that whatever they're experiencing remains subconscious, conscious on only a certain level, and the other part of their brain is totally unaffected by it, so that they won't talk. This seems quite clear, we've even discovered a lot of the technology. So kids don't naturally talk up. 
Where do they speak? They have nightmares, there's bedwetting, major shifts in behavior - or sometimes they actually talk, depending on the way the kid thinks and feels. That very first child who spoke up, happens to have some kind of Issue where her emotions were not that attached to her seichel, so she was able to talk freely at a certain point. 
What are they doing to them other than just protecting themselves? They destroy the child's entire sense of seder and values. They create total confusion. The kid walks away not knowing who the good guys are, who the bad guys are. Many of the kids initially claim that their parents were the perpetrators. If we take the kids literally, there should at least be 40 fathers in Sanhedria Murchevet either behind bars or at least away from their home. They talk of their Rebei'im as being perpetrators. If not their Rebbe'im, some other Rebbi. By name. The perpetrators confuse them. They use names, the names of the Rebbe'im in the neighborhood. They're a little mixed up sometimes. You can have a kid in one cheder, who talks about a Rebbi is another cheder, because the perpetrators are using that name. They have a "Tzaddik", they have a "Rabbee", they have "Papa" - these are common names they're using. The kids are totally mixed up. They tell them that their parents are evil, and they're good. They tell them not to listen to their parents. And then comes religion. They tell them to be mechalel shabbos. They tell them to stop making brachos. They tell them that they're not Jewish. 
Whether or not they actually baptize them is hard to know. Kids have talked about pools. It's hard to know. And we have to be very clear: let's not jump to conclusions on our own. I know imaginations run wild. We don't know. There are things out on the street that this is all a plot, and it's the pope that's on top of it. Rabbosai, rabbosai, the more we use our imagination, the less credibility we're going to have. 
But we do know that they're attacking religion. And everything - they are just completely destroying everything that is sacred to the child. The child is left totally confused. Understand that the therapy necessary - I heard this from one of the most experienced therapists in Yerushalayim, a child psychologist in Yerushalayim, a very wise Israeli woman, she says - what you have to do is rebuild every value they've got because everything is destroyed. 
And of course, they're self-confidence is nonexistent. Many of them regress academically, because they're so insecure.
If that isn't bad enough, we go further. We don't know exactly what they're indoctrinating them with, but we certainly know how they're doing it. One of the most effective ways of getting something into one's subconscious is through pain. L'havdil - C)?C1 'ffTY.l'71U ;nm - when you learn under stress and pain, that's engraved on your heart, it becomes part of you, it's so deep that you'll never lose it. Torture is one of the most effective means of reaching someone's subconscious. Whatever it is that they're indoctrinating them with subconsciously, they do it through torture, and this is where I mentioned we're not just dealing with pedophiles, we're dealing with sadists. The kids are tortured. Exactly what it is, we don't know. Again, there are lots of animals there. We know that they're forced to do all kinds of things, and there are things are done to them that are terribly painful. And at the time, we don't know what it is exactly that they're telling them, but it's there in their subconscious. 
Here too, there are those who claim that we're dealing with missionaries and what they're trying to do is convert them that in another generation, chas v'shalom, all the chareidi kids in Yerushalayim are going to be members of another religion. Maybe. We don't know. We don't know and let that be very clear. 
Where is this taking place? Once again, a drugged 3 Y2 year old doesn't really know. We don't know for sure. We don't know where it's taking place. Word is out on the street that there are 14 apartments in Sanhedria Murchevet where things are happening all the time. If anyone knows where these apartments are, please let me know. We do not have a clue as to where anything is happening. The kids are so mixed up. They're so mixed up as to where they are. Once again, they're describing places, in Sanhedria Murchevet, ... such places don't exist here. 
And that's only our neighborhood. Once again, there are kids from all over. In recent months, it has spread all over. We're hearing from Ramat Shlomo, we're hearing from Sorotzkin, it's all over Yerushalayim. 
How many kids are we talking about? Let's get it straight again: there's what we know, and there's what we don't know. There are a lot of kids whose parents reported that they spoke. Of those, many of them were sent for therapy, nothing really much has surfaced. Some therapists, who are very sensitive to nuances have suspicions, and they may even warn parents and shake them up, but even, even according to those therapists - they don't know. We are talking about tens of kids who have actually spoken up and described everything I've told you about. Tens of kids. How much is it? There are those who want to say we're talking about hundreds of kids all over Yerushalayim ... We don't know. 
Now, having heard all this, I want you to understand. I've been involved in this, I said, for about two years now. When I heard what kids were saying about different Rebbe'im in the cheder, what I said was, you have to talk to people who know what's going on. You've got to understand, that when a 3 Yi year old talks about his Rebbi doing something to him, if it's anything that smells like what we're talking about, it doesn't mean all that much. That doesn't mean you just forget about it, you look into it, you look into it, but that doesn't mean that you've got a bunch of perpetrators around. None of the Rebbe'im are suspected pedophiles, we have absolutely no reason to think so. Most of the kids that named Rebbe'im, named them as watching when it happened. Even that is far-fetched - we find it hard to believe that things are going on in the chadorim - on the scale that the kids are describing - it doesn't fit. Once again, we're talking about young kids who are drugged. If you take everything that they tell you literally you're going to find yourself with lots of confusion. There are lots of stiros. Their timing is totally off - kids have a hard time with timing anyway. Their time, the place, the personalities - they're off. 
I maintained to begin with that we're doing injustice to the staff of this cheder, or any other cheder where it's about to happen, cause once again, the stories are coming out of all the chadorim, and to be honest, there are fewer stories coming out of Knesses Yehuda than a lot of other chadorim in Yerushalayim. If everyone is going to start panicking and accusing every Rebbi of being a pedophile because a kid here said something, or allegedly said something, we're in trouble. We're going to be doing more damage to ourselves than the perpetrators are. 
(Spoke about the precautions being taken in knesset Yehuda ... ) 
Rumor is out on the street that either myself or the people I work with, we believe that we should allow the perpetrators to do whatever they want so that one day we'll be able to catch them. I can't say I haven't heard people believing in that... I cannot see how anyone can accept such a thing l'halacha, and I would never stand for it. That was not the plan. We have to protect our children. 
In terms of working with the police, there have been many attempts. It does not seem that they are too motivated. There are different theories about why the police are not motivated. The head of the detectives that I met with said - the police in blue are incompetent. So that's one approach. A second approach - this is scary, it's too big, they would rather not believe it than get involved. There are those who accuse them of actually cooperating with the perpetrators. Listen - although, I'll have to say, some of my experiences may support that, I'm not one for conspiracies. There are people walking around writing pamphlets about how half of Yerushalayim is in on this conspiracy, it goes all the way from the pope, to a bunch of choshuve Rabbonim in Yerushalayim, they're all in cahoots ... I am sorry, Rabbosai, let's not lose our minds.
There's a dangerous cult around. It doesn't seem like the police are going to help us. Whatever other means we're trying to use, to employ, to catch them - they haven't worked yet. Of course, we're hopeful. Our responsibility at this point in time is to protect our children. That is our prime responsibility.
The way to protect our children is, or course, making sure they're not hefker. Little kids cannot be out on the street alone! I'm sorry to disappoint everyone. You came to Yerushalayim, but you're going to have to forget the old attitude that Yerushalayim is safe. 3 year olds, 4 year olds, 5 year olds, 6 year olds, 7 year olds cannot walk around alone! There have to be adults around. You want them to play outside? - all you need is one adult who's watching them. And by the way, it's got to be an adult who's watching them - we had things happening in the parks, Shabbos afternoon - there were a bunch of women there, the kids were playing, someone came over- it had nothing to do with this - but someone came over, someone came over and did something with the kids. Where were the mothers? - involved in some very interesting conversation. Nobody was looking. Nobody was looking! You got to watch your kids. 
I have to tell you something, we brought one family to an Adam Gadol for chizuk. They're broken, they're broken, their kid is talking, their kid is messed up. He looked at them and his first reaction is, why don't you watch your kids?! Kids are hefker! Now, of course, a broken family needed divrei chizuk, and not that. But he's right. 
Kids have to be taught... - and let me tell you something else, there hasn't been a single report of a kid that was taken by force, and we think we know why. You got to hear this: we've been told, that in the state of Israel, if you offer a child a candy, he says thank you, and then you ask him to come with you in your car, and he goes along, you're not considered kidnapping, because it wasn't against his will. He's 3 Yi years old! But, eh, he agreed. These people are very careful not to do anything illegal. It starts with a candy, a toffee, a sticker, a drink ... crossing the street. 
Which is another one ... Kids here, they know, up to 9 you don't cross yourself. So what do you do?
Something even more dangerous than crossing yourself - you ask a stranger to cross you. Apparently, one of the first girls that we, that we actually heard from, said that there was this man that crossing this group of girls every day, every day he was there when they needed to cross. He was crossing them every day, and they got to know him. And then one day he said come with me. 
We even have to teach our children - I know this is terrible - we have to teach our children not to do chessed. If a stranger comes and says, "oi, this is too heavy, could you help me shlep it up the stairs?", you have to say, I have to ask my parents. I know it's a terrible thing, it's a terrible thing, we're telling our kids not to do chessed. It's sakanas nefashos! We got to watch our children. We can't be mafkir our kids! 
At the same time, you can't live in fear. Listen, I'm not a therapist, although I must say, I've heard many ... I've been given many private lectures from many professionals over the past two years. I've learnt a lot. I've learnt to respect a lot of people. One of the things I've learnt is how damaging panic is. Nervous parents mean nervous children. Nervous parents mean insecure children. When there's panic, not only are you imagining that everyone out there is a monster, but so are they. They pick up on it. 
You got to be calm. You're going to tell me, how can you be calm after hearing what I told you? 
Very simple. If your kid is not having nightmares, and your kid is not bedwetting, and there are no major changes in personality, and it's the same, good ... gets up to trouble here and there, a mischievous kid, but the same kid that you've known all the years -your kid's ok, nothing has happened. 
Don't start interrogating your kids and giving them ideas - some parents have done that too. You give them ideas- they'll go for it - they'll be even more creative than you are! 
You just have to know that the cheder is safe, and anyplace else they go to is safe, and they're not out alone. At what age can your kids go out alone? A strong, mature 10-11 year old ... ok, better a little later, but that, ok. Nothing less than that. What kid can be trusted to take care of younger kids? This Dr. Shechter than spoke to the women said - a kid that is old and strong enough to save the younger kids from a fire .... Ok? 
We have to train our kids over and over, not to take things, not to go with people, and to talk to us. 
(Spoke about security at Knesset Yehuda ... ) 
(Knesses Yehuda is doing) ... what we hope every cheder is going to do. And that is: install cameras, have someone watching them!, be careful about attendance being taken regularly. Of course, the doors cannot be open, the shomer has to be very careful who he allows in. That's all very important.
If the cheder is safe, you got to make sure they're getting there in a safe way. (Spoke about transportation at Knesset Yehuda.) ... if the cheder's safe, make sure they get there safely. If your kids walk to cheder, make sure they're not walking alone. 
(Spoke about other schools in the neighborhood with the girls' schools and ganim.) Kids cannot be coming home alone from gan. Anyone who is in gan, cannot come home alone, and a bunch of gan kids together are not safe either. 
(Spoke more about Knesset Yehuda.) 
The ribono shel olam should help us all. Once again, I've told you everything. I said, ,-m1N ON •'] '11'< lY.UN x'7 ON •'7 'IN, I hope I haven't said too much, but if I wouldn't tell you the whole truth, I think that would be doing you a disservice at this point. 
Understand, most of what you're hearing about in the street is rumor, speculation, some of it is totally not true, some of it is "who knows". A lot of the kids, even that have spoken up, we don't know if they're part of this or not. There are a lot of unknowns. What we have to do is secure our cheders, secure our bais ya'akovs, and take care of our own children. And daven. 
The Ribono she! olam, should be '7•y1)1 ll'.lll!.l, all of us, our children ... Here we are, a community that came to Yerushalayim from Chutz La'aretz, probably, among other reasons, but the most important one is because we believe this is where we want to raise our children, these are the values we want them to grow up with. The Ribono shel olam should be ~'7nn our sincere desires to raise our children il~JrljD. mnuar, to be healthy, happy, productive members of Kial Yisrael and ovdei Hashem Yisbarach.

מרן הגר"ח קנייבסקי נשאל: להתלונן במשטרה על פגיעה?

 לפני מספר חודשים, נכנס לביתו של מרן שר התורה הגאון רבי חיים קנייבסקי, יו"ר המרכז הישראלי למוגנות, הרב אשר מלמד, ושאל את מרן הגר"ח, שאלה שנדמה שכעת היא רלוונטית מתמיד.

הרב מלמד, קצין משטרה לשעבר, המטפל כיום בפגיעות קשות בתוך המגזר החרדי, שאל את מרן הגר"ח קנייבסקי, באמצעות נכדו ר' אריה קנייבסקי, מה לעשות עם אדם שפוגע באופן קשה בילדים ואם לא ילכו למשטרה, אותו אדם ימשיך לפגוע?

מרן הגר"ח השיב: "צריך ללכת למשטרה בשקט, שלא יידעו"

January 6 committee gets inside Trump's West Wing wall of obstruction

Vice Chair Liz Cheney, a Wyoming Republican, told ABC News of "firsthand testimony" that Trump's daughter Ivanka, then a West Wing adviser, twice asked him to intervene in a melee in which police officers were beaten by his crowd.
Cheney did, however, warn that Trump's conduct was so egregious that he should not be allowed anywhere near power again, as the former President considers a potential new tilt at the White House in 2024.
"This is a man who has demonstrated that he's at war with the rule of law. He's demonstrated that he's willing to blow through every guardrail of democracy," Cheney said on CBS News' "Face the Nation" on Sunday. "And he can never be anywhere near the Oval Office again."
On the face of it, a refusal by the commander in chief to intervene to stop an assault on the citadel of American democracy during the process of certifying Biden's election is a clear infringement of his oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.

IDF to open female-only combat platoon to accommodate religious servicewomen

 The Israel Defense Forces plans to create a new women-only border defense platoon later this year specifically for religious female soldiers who want to serve in a fighting unit but are concerned about serving alongside men.

The plan was first revealed by the Kan news broadcaster and was confirmed to The Times of Israel by the IDF.

The first conscripts will be drawn from women enlisting into combat troops this coming March. The unit will be established within an existing, otherwise mixed-gender border defense unit, the military said.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Our Kids Need Protecting, Not Our Community

Our community is not getting bad press because we have child molesters. Sadly, every society in the world has its share. We are getting slammed precisely because some folks seem to care more about our reputation and less about the safety of our children and the trauma of abuse survivors.

Our public image will dramatically improve when we direct our focus inward; reporting abusers to the authorities, encouraging victims to come forward without fear of retribution, helping them get professional counseling, and making research-based, child safety training for children, parents and educators a top priority.

Let’s keep child safety the “Main Thing.”

Why would a husband tell his wifeI "I just bought a knife!" after accusing her of kidnapping her own children"

'Un-Orthodox' Jewish prof prefers Hamas to Israel

 Daniel Boyarin is far from the typical Orthodox Jew.

A professor at the University of California at Berkeley, Boyarin is a renowned Talmudic scholar and Shabbat-observant Orthodox Jew.

But he’s also an ardent advocate for the LGBT community and an avowed hater of Israel.

Despite the Zionist ideals of his youth, today Boyarin is a self-declared anti-Zionist and proud supporter of the BDS movement, which denies Jewish people the right to self-determination.

Boyarin lived in Israel for years, but since returning to the US in 1990 he has refused to speak with Israeli media outlets. This week, Channel 10 managed to secure the first ever interview with Boyarin by an Israeli news organization.

Chief Rabbi David Lau must resign - editorial

 Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau paid a shiva mourning period visit this week to the family of haredi author Chaim Walder, who was facing numerous allegations of rape and sexual assault of minors at the time of his suicide. The visit drew condemnation and questions about why Lau has not also reached out to the victims. This is a serious error on Lau’s part, and illustrates yet another bad choice by religious authorities in this country.

 However, nothing prevents the same chief rabbi from meeting victims, showing them support, and sending a message to communities to stop ostracizing victims and stop the conspiracy of silence that often surrounds abuse allegations. If we want to stop the next case, we must send a message from the highest levels that victims should speak out, and that abusers will not only face justice but also public shame.


 This is  totally stupid

On the one hand the victims are given the right to testify anonymously. And then Rabbi Lau is condemned for not reaching out to these anonymous victims