Monday, October 11, 2021

Israeli government passivity is killing Alta Fixsler

 All of those following the plight of Baby Alta Fixsler in Manchester probably know by now that her legal and political avenues in England have been exhausted. Family Advisor Pinny Kellner, who has been coordinating the international efforts to save her life for about half of a year, reports that the ball is now squarely in the court of the Israeli government. Alta and her parents are Israeli citizens, and Jewish, thus thrusting the responsibility on the Israeli government as the party most directly capable of saving her life, Pinny explains.

 Yet, while the clock is ticking, the Israeli government, and specifically FM Yair Lapid, knows exactly what specific diplomatic means they need to employ to save Alta's life from her British executioners, Pinny emphasizes, and nevertheless the Israeli government is dragging their feet.

Massive EU study shows vaccines prevent severe COVID illness, even from Delta variant

French survey among 22 million people over the age of 50 found those who had received jabs were 90% less likely to be hospitalized or die, confirming observations from Israel and its vast inoculation campaign

This is how the coalition is trying to find budgets for Ra'am

 The chairman of the Religious Zionist Party, MK Bezalel Smotrich, attacked the move and tweeted, "Simply put, it is called making up fictitious criteria to transfer money to the authorities that Abbas values the most. It is illegal, and if the legal advisers allow it in order to preserve the survival of this coalition it will be their downfall. A complete hypocrisy."

 He added, "I do not know if you understand the significance of this astronomical sum: 24 billion shekels that are supposed to find their way in tailor-made criteria for the Arab authorities, and from there directly to bodies affiliated with the Islamic movement, like its private militia in Kafr Qassem. This is corruption on steroids and a great danger to the State of Israel."

BBC describes Alfred Dreyfus as 'notorious Jewish spy'

 "For the BBC to produce a series featuring Alfred Dreyfus, who was baselessly accused of treason, and then describe him as a 'notorious Jewish spy' is an insult to his memory and to the Jewish community in general," Emanuel Miller, a media analyst at the media watchdog organization HonestReporting, told The Jerusalem Post. "The Dreyfus case represented a key moment in Zionism's history and in the eyes of many is a byword for the miscarriages of justice suffered by Jews throughout the ages. How many times must a Jew's name be smeared?"

 "While the website text was quietly changed, the BBC evidently feels it doesn't owe Jews an apology, much less take serious steps to familiarize its staff with the basics of antisemitism in order to prevent such easily avoidable mishaps," Miller said to the Post. "Unfortunately, judging by past experience, the BBC is unlikely to apologize for the insulting mischaracterization."

Conspiracy theories

 Conspiracy theories can also paradoxically be emotionally reassuring. They provide truthful-sounding explanations for events that otherwise seem inexplicable, random or capricious, and often make your political opponents look bad. They can also give believers a pleasing sense of superiority because they – and sometimes they alone – have seen through the lies and cover-ups to reveal the “truth”.

Column: A Nobel laureate backs off from claiming a ‘smoking gun’ for the COVID-19 lab-leak theory

 Experienced virologists heavily favor the natural-spillover theory. That’s because the phenomenon has been common throughout history, accounting for the spread of most viruses and indeed for most pandemics. The direct animal source hasn’t been identified; it’s not unusual for investigations of that nature to take years. SARS2 has been known to scientists for only about 18 months.

 “We cannot prove that SARS-CoV-2 has a natural origin and we cannot prove that its emergence was not the result of a lab leak,” Kristian Andersen of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, lead author of a seminal paper on the origin of the virus, told me by email.

“However, while both scenarios are possible, they are not equally likely,” Andersen wrote. “Precedence, data and other evidence strongly favor natural emergence as a highly likely scientific theory for the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, while the lab leak remains a speculative incomplete hypothesis with no credible evidence.”

 Other virologists challenge the assumption by Wade and the assertion by Baltimore that there’s anything unique or especially unusual about the furin cleavage site on SARS2. Such sites have been found in similar viruses, and natural mechanisms for their appearance have been identified.

It’s Not Misinformation. It’s Amplified Propaganda.

 Today there is simply a rhetorical war of all against all: a maelstrom of viral hashtags competing for attention, hopping from community to community, amplified by crowds of true believers for whom sharing and retweeting is akin to a religious calling—even if the narrative they’re propagating is a ludicrous conspiracy theory about stolen ballots or Wayfair-trafficked children. Ampliganda engenders a constellation of mutually reinforcing arguments targeted at, and internalized by, niche communities, rather than a single, monolithic narrative fed to the full citizenry. It has facilitated a fragmentation of reality with profound implications. Each individual act of clicking or resharing may not feel like a propagandistic act, but in the aggregate, those acts shape conversations, beliefs, realities.

Why it's so tricky to trace the origin of COVID-19

 A 90-day investigation into the source of SARS-CoV-2 has shown consensus that the virus was not engineered. But many other elements remain a mystery.

COVID-19: US intelligence rules out biological weapon origin

  • SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was not developed as a biological weapon, a report by the United States Intelligence Community concludes.
  • An unclassified summary of the report reveals that most of the intelligence agencies also believe the virus was not genetically engineered.
  • However, one agency believes it is likely that SARS-CoV-2 leaked from a laboratory that handled coronaviruses.
  • But, according to four elements of the Intelligence Community and the National Intelligence Council, natural exposure to an animal with the virus was the most likely cause of the outbreak.
  • President Joe Biden accuses China of withholding crucial information that could help reveal the pandemic’s origins and prevent future pandemics.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

COVID vaccine letters target GPs and pharmacists demanding they 'cease and desist' or face 'punishment'

GPs and pharmacists say they are facing a rise in harassment from anti-vaxxers including fake legal letters threatening to strip them of their indemnity unless they stop administering COVID vaccines to the public. 

Debunking the anti-vaccination myths

 Health organizations, doctors, and scientists agree that vaccines are safe and effective. Despite this, there is a growing movement of parents and caregivers choosing not to vaccinate their children. Anti-vaccination myths are almost certainly contributing to this trend.

Anti-vaccine chiropractors rising force of misinformation 

 The convention was organized by members of a profession that has become a major purveyor of vaccine misinformation during the pandemic: chiropractors.

At a time when the surgeon general says misinformation has become an urgent threat to public health, a vocal and influential group of chiropractors has been capitalizing on the pandemic by sowing fear and mistrust of vaccines.

They have touted their supplements as vaccine alternatives, written doctor’s notes to get out of mandates, donated large sums of money to anti-vaccine organizations and sold anti-vaccine ads on Facebook and Instagram. They have been the leading force behind anti-vaccine events like the one in Wisconsin, where hundreds of chiropractors shelled out $299 or more to attend and earn continuing education credits to maintain their licenses in at least 10 states.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Saying prayers slowly and with full understanding is problematic -Maharal

 ובפרק אין עומדין (ברכות ל"ב ע"ב) אמר ר' חייא בר אבא אמר רבי יוחנן כל המאריך בתפלתו אין תפלתו חוזרת ריקם מנא לן ממשה שנאמר ואתפלל אל ה' וגו' וכתיב וישמע ה' אלי גם בפעם ההיא וגו' והאמר ר' חייא בר אבא אמר ר' יוחנן כל המאריך בתפלתו ומעיין בה סוף בא לידי כאב לב שנאמר תוחלת ממושכה מחלת לב מה תקנתיה יעסוק בתורה שנאמר עץ חיים היא למחזיקים בה לא קשיא הא דמאריך ומעיין בה והא דמאריך ולא מעיין עד כאן. ובפרק הרואה (ברכות נ"ד ע"ב) שלשה דברים מאריכים ימיו של אדם וכו' ופריך למימרא דמעליותא היא והאמר ר' חייא בר אבא אמר ר' יוחנן כל המאריך בתפלה ומעיין בה סוף בא לידי כאב לב ואמר רבי יצחק שלשה דברים מזכירין עונותיו של אדם קיר נטוי ועיון תפלה והמוסר דין על חבירו לא קשיא הא דמאריך ומעיין בה והא דמאריך ולא מעיין בה וה"ד דמפיש ברחמיה עד כאן. פי' רש"י ז"ל ומעיין בה אומר בלבו שיעשה בקשתו לפי שהתפלל בכוונה עכ"ל. וקשיא לפירוש זה כי האיך סלקא דעתך דמקשה שהרי בפירוש אמר שם דלכך לאו מעליותא משום דמעיין בה אבל מאריך בלא מעיין בודאי מעליותא ויצא. ועוד דקאמר דה"ד דמפיש ברחמים ולמה הוצרך לפרש הרי גם כן למקשה אין פירוש דמאריך בתפלה בענין אחר. ולפיכך נראה פשוט כי המאריך בתפלה היינו שאומר המלה בהמשכה ובעיכוב יתירה ומתוך כך הוא מעיין בתפלה, והיה סבור המקשה הא דאמר שלשה דברים מאריכין ימיו של אדם המאריך בתפלה, היינו גם כן שהוא שוהה ומושך במלות ואי אפשר שלא יהיה מעיין בתפלה, ולפיכך מקשה למימרא דמעליותא היא וכו'. ומתרץ הא דמאריך בה ולא עיין הא דמאריך ומעיין בה, והשתא מפרש ה"ד כו', דהא כל שהוא מאריך בה אי אפשר בלא עיון וקאמר דמפיש ברחמי אבל אינו מושך המלות. ובפרק אין עומדין לא קאמר ה"ד דמפיש ברחמים, משום דהתם קאמר אין תפלתו חוזרת ריקם דמסתמא כך הוא דמשום דמפיש ברחמים אין תפלתו חוזרת ריקם ולא הוצרך לפרש. ועיון תפלה דקאמר שמזכיר עונותיו של אדם היינו נמי בהאי גוונא שמעיין בתפלתו על המלות שהוא מוציא, כי מי שמכוין אל המלות שהוא מוציא יראה שאין דבר זה הגון כלל, כי אי אפשר לפרש הסוגיא רק כך. והטעם כי התפלה הוא תוחלת שהוא מקוה ומייחל אל מה שמבקש, והתוחלת שהוא ממושך מחלת לב כי הלב שם החיים שמשים את האדם בפעל והתוחלת היא התקוה שאינו בפעל. ועל זה אמר כי תוחלת ממושכה היא מחלת לב, והתפלה היא החיות של אדם ותוחלת ממושכה היא הפך זה שהוא מחלת לב, ואין ראוי והגון להאריך על ידי עיון להמשיך הלשון או להפסיק בין מלה למלה משום כונה, שדבר זה לא רצו חכמים כלל רק היכא דמפיש ברחמים שדבר זה בודאי הגון וטוב:

Did Facebook Betray Democracy? or how to ignore the elephant in the room

 While Trump will always bear the lion’s share of the blame for January 6, an exposé aired Sunday night on the CBS News show 60 Minutes shows that the day’s events did not occur in a vacuum. If Trump’s involvement was complicit, the social media’s participation was implicit.


Bizarrely Mishpacha ran no article criticizing Trump  but only Facebook for facilitating Trump's actions