Monday, October 11, 2021

Israeli government passivity is killing Alta Fixsler

 All of those following the plight of Baby Alta Fixsler in Manchester probably know by now that her legal and political avenues in England have been exhausted. Family Advisor Pinny Kellner, who has been coordinating the international efforts to save her life for about half of a year, reports that the ball is now squarely in the court of the Israeli government. Alta and her parents are Israeli citizens, and Jewish, thus thrusting the responsibility on the Israeli government as the party most directly capable of saving her life, Pinny explains.

 Yet, while the clock is ticking, the Israeli government, and specifically FM Yair Lapid, knows exactly what specific diplomatic means they need to employ to save Alta's life from her British executioners, Pinny emphasizes, and nevertheless the Israeli government is dragging their feet.

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