Monday, October 11, 2021

BBC describes Alfred Dreyfus as 'notorious Jewish spy'

 "For the BBC to produce a series featuring Alfred Dreyfus, who was baselessly accused of treason, and then describe him as a 'notorious Jewish spy' is an insult to his memory and to the Jewish community in general," Emanuel Miller, a media analyst at the media watchdog organization HonestReporting, told The Jerusalem Post. "The Dreyfus case represented a key moment in Zionism's history and in the eyes of many is a byword for the miscarriages of justice suffered by Jews throughout the ages. How many times must a Jew's name be smeared?"

 "While the website text was quietly changed, the BBC evidently feels it doesn't owe Jews an apology, much less take serious steps to familiarize its staff with the basics of antisemitism in order to prevent such easily avoidable mishaps," Miller said to the Post. "Unfortunately, judging by past experience, the BBC is unlikely to apologize for the insulting mischaracterization."

1 comment :

  1. Forget all the official definitions. Here's what anti-Semitism is.
    Imagine Dreyfus had been framed and humiliated because he was Gay or Black. Imagine the BBC labelled him as a "notorious Gay/Black spy". Half the executive along with anyone remotely involved with the production would have been named, humiliated and fired. But because it's Jews, well we'll quietly change the website version but there's no need to apologize because... well he was probably a Zionist.


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