More than 70,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus — if you believe the government.
An increasing number of conservatives
are convinced the medical community and the media are inflating the
coronavirus death toll for political purposes, despite nearly all
evidence indicating that, if anything, the figure is an undercount.
Young said conservatives were more likely to distrust outlets running with the death toll offered by leading researchers.
“Why would a conservative, Republican,
or Trump supporter, after seeing those consistent left-leaning
commentary decisions, continue to view that source as unbiased and
trustworthy?” he said.
Politics aside, Lobelo said the factor driving people’s suspicion of the models “all boils down to uncertainty.”
“The scientists are used to
uncertainty because that's how we operate. That's part of the scientific
premise of trial and error until you have a better understanding of the
complex issue,” he said. “But for regular day-to-day people,
uncertainty is more difficult to tolerate.”