Thursday, May 7, 2020

The doctor making Trump queasy

As head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has achieved what he set out to accomplish: injecting politics into public health and casting it as “a political choice.”
With the coronavirus crisis, the former Ethiopian foreign minister who took over the WHO in 2017 has got far more than he bargained for.

 Now, as Tedros leads the global response to a worldwide pandemic in an age of rising nationalism and shifting world order, his message is: "Please don't politicize this virus.”

With the death toll mounting and the economic costs of lockdowns beginning to bite, he finds himself caught between two of the United Nations health agency’s most powerful members.

One, the United States, is the WHO’s biggest single source of cash. The other, China, is a major supplier of the medical equipment and machinery that will be needed to bring economies back online. It’s also the original epicenter of the pandemic — and thus key to understanding the virus that’s brought the globe to its knees.

1 comment :

  1. Garnel IronheartMay 7, 2020 at 3:55 PM

    Tedros is saying not to politicize the virus? That's exactly what he's done since day 1. He has taken marching orders from China which made every effort to spread the virus internationally and then sabotage efforts to control it. No travel bans! No person-person spread! No pandemic call! He continues to ostracize Taiwan and also condemned Israel at one point for its efforts. But he doesn't want to politicize it?
    The WHO is a big reason this debacle happened. Trump and the US have every right to cut off funding. If China wants to control the WHO they can pay for it.


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