Thursday, May 7, 2020

Coronavirus Task Force Gets Its ‘Mission Accomplished’ Moment

 By Wednesday morning, Mr. Trump had changed the contours, though not the essence, of his plan. In a tweet thread, he said the coronavirus task force would, in fact, “continue on indefinitely” but shift its efforts — and most likely some of its members — to “focus on SAFETY & OPENING UP OUR COUNTRY AGAIN.” He closed with, “The Task Force will also be very focused on Vaccines & Therapeutics. Thank you!”
Whether dissolved or repurposed, the White House Task Force focused on coordinating the administration’s public-health response to the pandemic is soon to be no more. To which we can only say: No big loss.
In theory, bringing together a collection of experts to oversee a coordinated federal response to a national emergency makes perfect sense. In practice, the first phase of Mr. Trump’s coronavirus task force was its own form of disaster.
For starters, the president made clear early on that he wasn’t interested in marshaling a coordinated response. Time and again, he ducked responsibility, pushing it off on the governors. On challenges ranging from acquiring critical medical supplies to coordinating and expanding testing (which remains a problem) to managing social-distancing restrictions, the task force has provided consistently uneven guidance and insufficient assistance.

 Mr. Trump often has undermined the recommendations it has made. Whether pushing dangerous treatments of unproven efficacy or urging his supporters to protest the basic social distancing guidelines put forward by the task force, the president has repeatedly scrambled the public-health message.

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