Wednesday, April 15, 2020

President Trump Halts U.S. Payments to the World Health Organization During the Coronavirus Pandemic

 President Donald Trump said he was cutting off U.S. payments to the World Health Organization during the coronavirus pandemic, accusing the organization of failing to do enough to stop the virus from spreading when it first surfaced in China.
Trump, who had telegraphed his intentions last week, claimed the outbreak could have been contained at its source and that lives could have been saved had the U.N. health agency done a better job investigating the early reports coming out of China.
“The WHO failed in its basic duty and must be held accountable,” Trump said at a Tuesday briefing. He said the U.S. would be reviewing the WHO’s actions to stop the virus before making any decision on resuming aid.

המשטרה פרצה עם סולמות לתפילה המוזיקלית של 'כיכר'

 there are a number of people who think loudspeakers at any volume are totally permissible without concern for the neighbors totally biased article! chillul hashem!

שוטרים פרצו הבוקר אל בית פרטי בבני ברק - עם סולמות מהגג, במהלך תפילת הלל מוזיקלית שערכו האחים הזמרים יואלי ורולי דיקמן והועברה בשידור חי באתר 'כיכר השבת' • צפו ברגעי הפריצה

Police break into Bnei Brak apartment to stop the music


They set up an amplification system in their home with a loudspeaker on the porch, and began to sing the Hallel prayer of thanksgiving with musical accompaniment - until police arrived.





Tuesday, April 14, 2020

רב מ'הפלג' חלה בקורונה; יצא לתפילות וחטף קנס

רב באחת הישיבות המזוהות עם "הפלג הירושלמי" נדבק בנגיף ה'קורונה', אך למרות זאת יצא לתפילות. בהוראת רבנים, הועבר דיווח למשטרה והבוקר הוא קיבל קנס כבד

Virginia pastor who defiantly held church service dies of coronavirus

An evangelical pastor died of COVID-19 just weeks after proudly showing off how packed his Virginia church was — and vowing to keep preaching “unless I’m in jail or the hospital.”

Cuomo Responds To Trump Claim That States ‘Can’t Do Anything Without His Approval’ | All In | MSNBC

Reporter grills Trump: What did you do for entire month?

Trump falsely claims he has 'total' authority

Fox News calls out Trump ON AIR for lying about having power re-open country

Trump rages at criticism while governors craft their own plans to reopen the economy

With 23,000 Americans dead and millions without a paycheck, President Donald Trump dimmed the lights in the White House briefing room, fired up a misleading propaganda video and boiled over.
In one of the most unchained presidential tantrums ever captured on television, Trump's Monday display flouted every notion of calm leadership by the commander in chief in a crisis.
He claimed powers never envisioned by the Constitution and insisted his "authority is total" to order states and cities to get moving again to break out of the frozen economy. His warning came as two blocs of Eastern and Western hot-spot states banded together in an implied challenge to his vow to get people back to work soon, setting off a brewing confrontation over the power of the federal government.
During the news conference, Trump moaned that the press was not giving him credit because "everything we did was right" in the coronavirus pandemic.

Monday, April 13, 2020

How Mitch McConnell Became Trump’s Enabler-in-Chief

On Thursday, March 12th, Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, could have insisted that he and his colleagues work through the weekend to hammer out an emergency aid package addressing the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, he recessed the Senate for a long weekend, and returned home to Louisville, Kentucky. McConnell, a seventy-eight-year-old Republican who is about to complete his sixth term as a senator, planned to attend a celebration for a protégé, Justin Walker, a federal judge who was once his Senate intern. McConnell has helped install nearly two hundred conservatives as judges; stocking the judiciary has been his legacy project.

Draining the swamp - New Yorker Chronicles How McConnell Propped Up Trump WH | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Trump's poll numbers dip over handling of coronavirus pandemic

Support for Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus has plunged over the past week, polls show, as some of his advisers and Republican allies are said to be concerned over the US president’s daily briefings on the pandemic.

CNN Poll of Polls: Trump's approval ticking down on coronavirus response

A new CNN Poll of Polls out on Thursday finds President Donald Trump's approval rating and the public's approval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic trending down in the last month.

Trump's averaged approval rating stands at 46% approve, 49% disapprove -- ticking down from 48% approval in late-March.





Top hospital head to 'Post': Coronavirus strategy failed

The Health Ministry’s strategy for tackling the coronavirus crisis is a failure, the head of one of Israel’s leading hospitals told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday as the ministry announced it had fallen far below its original test target, leaving the country without an end in sight for its isolation strategy.
“We are in the third week of isolation and the numbers continue to rise – and in big numbers,” the senior official said. “We need to think about another strategy. Isolation has not brought us any good.”

Only One President in the Last 20 Years Wasn’t Worried About a Pandemic

On March 30, President Donald Trump went onto the most important news venue in America, Fox & Friends, to defend his handling of the coronavirus outbreak. Here is a thing he said:
“Nobody could have predicted something like this . . .”
This is false.