Monday, April 13, 2020

Top hospital head to 'Post': Coronavirus strategy failed

The Health Ministry’s strategy for tackling the coronavirus crisis is a failure, the head of one of Israel’s leading hospitals told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday as the ministry announced it had fallen far below its original test target, leaving the country without an end in sight for its isolation strategy.
“We are in the third week of isolation and the numbers continue to rise – and in big numbers,” the senior official said. “We need to think about another strategy. Isolation has not brought us any good.”

1 comment :

  1. The job of the Health Minister is to lead the ministry in its response to a crisis. During the H1N1 outbreak, the minister of health was more concerned about not referring to the virus as "Swine flu" than about effectively handling the situation because, well because good Jews don't use the word "Chazir"
    This same health minister, during this outbreak, ignored advice to begin early social limitations because, well because it's Purim! The zchus of the megilla readings and the Purim seudah will protect us?
    As for daily numbers, the number of new cases daily is showing signs of stabilizing so the situation is a glimmer better perhaps.


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