Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Reporter grills Trump: What did you do for entire month?


  1. What did he do? He dealt with the impeachment.
    Please, Trump has made plenty of mistakes but the way the media is rewriting history to make it seem that he sat around and did nothing during that month is pathetic. He was distracted by the impeachment. His "superior intelligence" was focused on that because, with his ego, any threat to him blocks out any other concerns and fighting that threat becomes his sole activity.
    And remember: this was unnecessary. From the beginning everyone knew how it would go - the Dem's would use their HoR majority to impeach, the GOP would use their majority to acquit. There was no suspense in the entire procedure. It was like watching a midget wrestling Hulk Hogan - no suspense as to the outcome. But the Dem's dragged it out in the HoR making the process twice as long as it should have been to score political points. Meanwhile the virus was spreading but it was page 2 because the impeachment was on page 1.
    So what was Trump doing? Self-preservation because of a useless attack on him at a time when both sides should have figured out the pandemic was coming and worked together.

  2. how dare you call Trump a liar !
    he said he was not distracted

  3. Please understand: I'm not a Trump supporter. When I preferred him to Hillary it wasn't because I thought he was the better candidate, only that she was the worse one.
    Trump has his limitations. He can only focus on one thing at a time, he can't admit that the other things he's ignoring are still important, and he can't understand an opponent (in this case, the virus) that he can't use Twitter to bludgeon.
    At some point, intelligent folks on both sides of the aisle, knowing that he's this way, should've realized: Damn, the virus is coming. We have a president that can only focus on one thing. The impeachment can wait so he can focus on this. But they didn't. Both sides played the partisanship game until it was too late.

  4. The entirely foreseeable acquittal you cite occurred Feb 5, 2020.

    But the reporter, as she was forced to clarify multiple times, was asking about the entire month of February. So assuming what you say could ever count as an excuse (not a small assumption), what he'd do the rest of the month?!
    Golf? Tweet? Hold rallies?

  5. The reality is that to fight the disease required crippling the economy. The choice was between economic ruin and limiting death and injury.

    This is not an excuse, but I know from my own life that choosing to do the right thing can be hard when there is loss involved.

  6. Straw man fallacy. She wasn't asking why didn't you shut down the country at the top of February. She was asking what steps were taken, in the wake of fairly definitive warnings by late January, to help us meet the impending potential grave threat? There are any number of answers that would have been something other than shutting down the country.

    An answer could have been -- if only it were! -- that medical & other necessary supplies began to be stockpiled, emergency response teams set up, messaging networks between travel, policing, & medical authority instituted, virology research teams dispatched for early development of testing & treatment -- all the natural efforts one could make in preparation for a potential disaster.

    Of course, had he any such defensible answer, he would proudly & triumphantly give it, instead of attacking her repeatedly. The insecurity there stems from the uncomfortable fact that the true answer is: Nothing. He did nothing to respond. Just walked off in denial and reassured the public with more attacks on the MSM. So very presidential.

  7. I'm not getting involved in American politics.

    This seems to be a political blame game - Trump accuses the Demos and Biden, , you accuse trump, and JOE defends him.
    On this side of the Atlantic, anything that goes wrong, the punters blame Johnson, becasue he didn't act early enough or did a U-turn.
    I hope the above is not a straw man argument!

    Is enough being done today? Can The president impose nationwide lockdown in every State? Will lives be lost by doing so?

    There are promising drugs which get good initial trial data, in particular Remdesivir. The Chloroquines are not the panacea, trump must get over that. What happened to Pence? Wasn't he suppsoed to be in charge of this pandemic?
    Finally, another tangent, "Pence" is the plural of "penny" - is that also the case in American language?

  8. Hmm. Did you mean to reply to this other thread, maybe?

    Re the most interesting question among those you've just asked: Regrettably, 'pence' is only the plural-in-use on your side of the pond. And of course for some reason here speakers almost confine themselves to the Latinate "cents", which I've noticed most speakers fail to hear the invocation of hundredth-- as in, per-cent.

    And 'penny' the word in fact originated as a diminutive for 'pound', being a hundredth of (the price of) a pound of nails. The pluralization you cite, interestingly, is phonologically in the same paradigm as dice, deuce, once/twice.

  9. Maybe. One of your links in another thread brought me back here. 😁
    I must have missed how Pence's job was delegated to kushner, but now the penny has dropped!
    Kushner is getting a lot of criticism. Maybe it's because the most important and critical decision making or operational decisions in America since ww2 are now being taken by a real estate mogul with little knowledge or experience of science and public health management.


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