Monday, April 13, 2020

Only One President in the Last 20 Years Wasn’t Worried About a Pandemic

On March 30, President Donald Trump went onto the most important news venue in America, Fox & Friends, to defend his handling of the coronavirus outbreak. Here is a thing he said:
“Nobody could have predicted something like this . . .”
This is false.


  1. Could someone have predicted that another outbreak would come from China? Yes.
    Could someone have predicted that China would lie about it for over two months, allowing it to spread internationally? Yes.
    And that someone, when he predicted that, would have been called "racist" and ignored.

  2. Oh, yeah - a real voice crying out in the wilderness. Delusional.

    Name one sitting President who has ever been ignored.

  3. Excerpt:[On April 6] Axios got hold of memos written by one of Trump’s own top advisors, Peter Navarro. In them, Navarro raised the alarm about the novel coronavirus, warning that it was almost certain to spread to the United States, and pointing out that there were concrete steps Trump needed to take to prepare for the crisis, including banning travel from China—which despite Trump’s claims, he never did—and freeing up emergency funding for the stockpiling of protective gear and tests. Which Trump did not do until the virus was in full bloom in America and it was too late. Because the wildfire President Bush warned about had already turned into an inferno.
    The first of these memos was sent on January 29.
    On January 30, Trump said of the pandemic, “It’s going to have a very good ending for us.”Damning.


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