Monday, January 20, 2025

American Battleground: Trump’s appetite for revenge — and the limits he might face

“When this election is over … I would have every right to go after them,” Trump said of his political opponents during an interview over the summer.

Such comments have been piling up for months, years even, and critics are now venting their fears that Trump will weaponize the Department of Justice to go after those he says have wronged him: Biden and his family; former President Barack Obama; former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci, who became the face of the US response to the Covid-19 pandemic; people involved in investigating and prosecuting Trump for alleged crimes; and more. Trump has done little to tamp down that anxiety, and now he has picked someone who seems suited to the task to be his director of the FBI: Kash Patel.


  1. For four years he had to put up with it.
    The January 6 insurrection and another impeachment. Never mild BLM destroying America in 2020 with "mostly peaceful protests". That wasn't a threat. Only Trump was.
    Repeated court cases that either went nowhere or landed with a meaningless thud that his enemies screamed was a tremendous victory.
    One public humiliation after the other.
    And all on the assumption that he would lose in 2024 and finally go away.
    Instead, he won. Oops.

    1. You obviously missed the clear evidence against him. He falsely claimed exoneration or witch hunt. he even was convicted a number of times, Hardly innocent! The secret documents he stored in his bathroom were simply back issues of Mishpacha?!

    2. Not the point. First, nothing he did was unique to him. He fanned the flames on October 6? The Deomcratic leadership shouted "go! go!" to the BLM rioters for months. Secret documents? Biden did it too and was then not charged because he was too demented to stand trial, remember that?
      Bottom line: don't kick your opponent when he's down. Like Kayin, he'll eventually get up and you'll be sorry.

    3. Begging the questionJanuary 21, 2025 at 12:10 AM

      Jan 6 th?

    4. Wow! Garnel Biden did what? He took documents deliberately concealed them etc etc? Trumo wasn't condemned by Republicans for Jan 6 "lovefest" This great "tzadik" never asked for Russian interference or for a government official to find him votes? He wasn't convicted by a jury of being a criminal a rapist. He never bribed Bondi with a large donation to drop prosecution of his college fraud? The poor innocent nebuch is such a crucified victim. Maybe we should turn him into a deity?


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