Monday, June 10, 2024

Rescued hostages suffering from malnutrition, possibly Stockholm syndrome

The Kan public broadcaster reported Sunday evening that after initial conversations with the four, medical professionals believed they were exhibiting signs of Stockholm syndrome, as the rescued hostages spoke about awful experiences they had been subjected to in captivity while also saying that their captors cared about their wellbeing.


  1. Don't forget that before they were captured, many of the hostages were peace'niks so this isn't so much Stockhold as reverting to type.

    1. So their experience won't change their opinion???!!

    2. There are two type of people. Those who see their reality change, that everything they believed in was wrong, and they adjust to the new reality, they go on living within the new circumstances. Then there are those who refuse to accept the change and continue to live like before.
      Think of Chareidim who pretend they're still living in 19th century Europe (albeit with electricity and all the other modern stuff). Now think of these peace-niks. Asking them to understand that the views they held their entire lives were a huge mistake is too much for some people.

    3. My understanding is that cog dis is a malalignment between values and behaviour. I love God and Torah but I go to McDonalds on Saturday for lunch. This is deeper. It's an understand of reality. In their reality, the Arabs in Yesha are oppressed and misunderstood but, given the chance, they'd love to live alongside Israel in peace. in actual reality, it's the opposite and October 7 was a "What more do they have to do to show you that" moment.

    4. Noit is when a person sees a contradiction which bothers him and he tries to reconcile them

    5. Noit?

      Yes, in my example, I announce that I love God and Torah, go to McDonalds because I really want a Big Mac and then come up with a justification to soothe my troubled conscience because I know my actions contradict my beliefs.

    6. You are not describing cognitive dissonance but hypocrisy

    7. Is cognitive dissonance the same as hypocrisy?
      No. Hypocrisy involves a contradiction between a person’s supposed principles, beliefs, or character and who they really are or how they behave. Cognitive dissonance is the unpleasant mental state that may result if someone really does have certain beliefs but thinks or acts in a way that contradicts them.



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